
UVMkit » 1800.2-2020

The library implements the following public API beyond what is documented in 1800.2.

The library implements the following public API beyond what is documented in 1800.2.
print_configPrint_config prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to <uvm_config_db::set()> and exports to the resources pool.
get_print_config_matchesstatic function bit get_print_config_matches()
set_print_config_matchesstatic function void set_print_config_matches(bit val)
begin_trImplementation of uvm_component::begin_tr as described in IEEE 1800.2-2020.
set_recording_enabledIn addition to the functionality described in IEEE 1800.2, this library implements a call to set_recording_enabled in build_phase when a config_db access of the form uvm_config_db #(uvm_bitstream_t)::get(this, “”, “recording_detail”, x) or uvm_config_db #(int)::get(this, “”, “recording_detail”, x) returns a non-zero value for x


function void print_config(
    bit  recurse  =  0,
    bit  audit  =  0

Print_config prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to <uvm_config_db::set()> and exports to the resources pool.  The settings are printed in the order of their precedence.

If recurse is set, then configuration information for all children and below are printed as well.

if audit is set then the audit trail for each resource is printed along with the resource name and value

@uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2


static function bit get_print_config_matches()

static function bit get_print_config_matches()

Returns the value of the internal static variable print_config_matches which is the value of the verbose argument for apply_config_settings() if it is called in build_phase().  The variable has a default value of 0 which may be overwritten by set_print_config_matches()

@uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2


static function void set_print_config_matches(
    bit  val

static function void set_print_config_matches(bit val)

Sets the value of the internal static variable print_config_matches to val

(see get_print_config_matches)

@uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2


Implementation of uvm_component::begin_tr as described in IEEE 1800.2-2020.

function int begin_tr( uvm_transaction tr,
                       string stream_name="main",
                       string label="",
                       string desc="",
                       time begin_time=0,
                       int parent_handle=0 );

As an added feature, this implementation will attempt to get a non-0 parent_handle from the parent sequence of the transaction tr if the parent_handle argument is 0 and the transaction can be cast to a uvm_sequence_item.


In addition to the functionality described in IEEE 1800.2, this library implements a call to set_recording_enabled in build_phase when a config_db access of the form uvm_config_db #(uvm_bitstream_t)::get(this, “”, “recording_detail”, x) or uvm_config_db #(int)::get(this, “”, “recording_detail”, x) returns a non-zero value for x

function void print_config(
    bit  recurse  =  0,
    bit  audit  =  0
Print_config prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to uvm_config_db::set() and exports to the resources pool.
static function bit get_print_config_matches()
static function bit get_print_config_matches()
static function void set_print_config_matches(
    bit  val
static function void set_print_config_matches(bit val)