//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2010 AMD // Copyright 2012 Accellera Systems Initiative // Copyright 2007-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2012-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2014 Semifore // Copyright 2010-2014 Synopsys, Inc. // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `include "uvm_macros.svh" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Title: Callbacks Classes // // This section defines the classes used for callback registration, management, // and user-defined callbacks. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef class uvm_root; typedef class uvm_callback; typedef class uvm_callbacks_base; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class - uvm_typeid_base // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Simple typeid interface. Need this to set up the base-super mapping. // This is similar to the factory, but much simpler. The idea of this // interface is that each object type T has a typeid that can be // used for mapping type relationships. This is not a user visible class. class uvm_typeid_base; static string typename; static uvm_callbacks_base typeid_map[uvm_typeid_base]; static uvm_typeid_base type_map[uvm_callbacks_base]; endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class - uvm_typeid#(T) // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class uvm_typeid#(type T=uvm_object) extends uvm_typeid_base; static uvm_typeid#(T) m_b_inst; static function uvm_typeid#(T) get(); if(m_b_inst == null) m_b_inst = new; return m_b_inst; endfunction endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Class - uvm_callbacks_base // // Base class singleton that holds generic queues for all instance // specific objects. This is an internal class. This class contains a // global pool that has all of the instance specific callback queues in it. // All of the typewide callback queues live in the derivative class // uvm_typed_callbacks#(T). This is not a user visible class. // // This class holds the class inheritance hierarchy information // (super types and derivative types). // // Note, all derivative uvm_callbacks#() class singletons access this // global m_pool object in order to get access to their specific // instance queue. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class uvm_callbacks_base extends uvm_object; typedef uvm_callbacks_base this_type; /*protected*/ static bit m_tracing = 1; static this_type m_b_inst; static uvm_pool#(uvm_object,uvm_queue#(uvm_callback)) m_pool; static function this_type m_initialize(); if(m_b_inst == null) begin m_b_inst = new; m_pool = new; end return m_b_inst; endfunction //Type checking interface this_type m_this_type[$]; //one to many T->T/CB uvm_typeid_base m_super_type; //one to one relation uvm_typeid_base m_derived_types[$]; //one to many relation virtual function bit m_am_i_a(uvm_object obj); return 0; endfunction virtual function bit m_is_for_me(uvm_callback cb); return 0; endfunction virtual function bit m_is_registered(uvm_object obj, uvm_callback cb); return 0; endfunction virtual function uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) m_get_tw_cb_q(uvm_object obj); return null; endfunction virtual function void m_add_tw_cbs(uvm_callback cb, uvm_apprepend ordering); endfunction virtual function bit m_delete_tw_cbs(uvm_callback cb); return 0; endfunction //Check registration. To test registration, start at this class and //work down the class hierarchy. If any class returns true then //the pair is legal. function bit check_registration(uvm_object obj, uvm_callback cb); this_type dt; if (m_is_registered(obj,cb)) return 1; // Need to look at all possible T/CB pairs of this type foreach(m_this_type[i]) if(m_b_inst != m_this_type[i] && m_this_type[i].m_is_registered(obj,cb)) return 1; if(obj == null) begin foreach(m_derived_types[i]) begin dt = uvm_typeid_base::typeid_map[m_derived_types[i] ]; if(dt != null && dt.check_registration(null,cb)) return 1; end end return 0; endfunction endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class - uvm_typed_callbacks#(T) // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Another internal class. This contains the queue of typewide // callbacks. It also contains some of the public interface methods, // but those methods are accessed via the uvm_callbacks#() class // so they are documented in that class even though the implementation // is in this class. // // The , , and methods are implemented in this class. class uvm_typed_callbacks#(type T=uvm_object) extends uvm_callbacks_base; static uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) m_tw_cb_q; static string m_typename; typedef uvm_typed_callbacks#(T) this_type; typedef uvm_callbacks_base super_type; //The actual global object from the derivative class. Note that this is //just a reference to the object that is generated in the derived class. static this_type m_t_inst; static function this_type m_initialize(); if(m_t_inst == null) begin void'(super_type::m_initialize()); m_t_inst = new; m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q = new("typewide_queue"); end return m_t_inst; endfunction //Type checking interface: is given ~obj~ of type T? virtual function bit m_am_i_a(uvm_object obj); T this_type; if (obj == null) return 1; return($cast(this_type,obj)); endfunction //Getting the typewide queue virtual function uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) m_get_tw_cb_q(uvm_object obj); if(m_am_i_a(obj)) begin foreach(m_derived_types[i]) begin super_type dt; dt = uvm_typeid_base::typeid_map[m_derived_types[i] ]; if(dt != null && dt != this) begin m_get_tw_cb_q = dt.m_get_tw_cb_q(obj); if(m_get_tw_cb_q != null) return m_get_tw_cb_q; end end return m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q; end else return null; endfunction static function int m_cb_find(uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q, uvm_callback cb); for(int i=0; i str.len() ? max_cb_name : str.len(); str = "(*)"; max_inst_name = max_inst_name > str.len() ? max_inst_name : str.len(); end if(obj ==null) begin if(m_t_inst.m_pool.first(bobj)) begin do if($cast(me,bobj)) break; while(m_t_inst.m_pool.next(bobj)); end if(me != null || m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q.size()) begin qs.push_back($sformatf("Registered callbacks for all instances of %s\n", tname)); qs.push_back("---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); end if(me != null) begin do begin if($cast(me,bobj)) begin q = m_t_inst.m_pool.get(bobj); if (q==null) begin q=new; m_t_inst.m_pool.add(bobj,q); end for(int i=0; i str.len() ? max_cb_name : str.len(); str = bobj.get_full_name(); max_inst_name = max_inst_name > str.len() ? max_inst_name : str.len(); end end end while (m_t_inst.m_pool.next(bobj)); end else begin qs.push_back($sformatf("No callbacks registered for any instances of type %s\n", tname)); end end else begin if(m_t_inst.m_pool.exists(bobj) || m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q.size()) begin qs.push_back($sformatf("Registered callbacks for instance %s of %s\n", obj.get_full_name(), tname)); qs.push_back("---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); end if(m_t_inst.m_pool.exists(bobj)) begin q = m_t_inst.m_pool.get(bobj); if(q==null) begin q=new; m_t_inst.m_pool.add(bobj,q); end for(int i=0; i str.len() ? max_cb_name : str.len(); str = bobj.get_full_name(); max_inst_name = max_inst_name > str.len() ? max_inst_name : str.len(); end end end if(!cbq.size()) begin if(obj == null) str = "*"; else str = obj.get_full_name(); qs.push_back($sformatf("No callbacks registered for instance %s of type %s\n", str, tname)); end foreach (cbq[i]) begin qs.push_back($sformatf("%s %s %s on %s %s\n", cbq[i], blanks.substr(0,max_cb_name-cbq[i].len()-1), inst_q[i], blanks.substr(0,max_inst_name - inst_q[i].len()-1), mode_q[i])); end `uvm_info("UVM/CB/DISPLAY",`UVM_STRING_QUEUE_STREAMING_PACK(qs),UVM_NONE) m_tracing = 1; //allow tracing to be resumed endfunction endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CLASS -- NODOCS -- uvm_callbacks #(T,CB) // // The ~uvm_callbacks~ class provides a base class for implementing callbacks, // which are typically used to modify or augment component behavior without // changing the component class. To work effectively, the developer of the // component class defines a set of "hook" methods that enable users to // customize certain behaviors of the component in a manner that is controlled // by the component developer. The integrity of the component's overall behavior // is intact, while still allowing certain customizable actions by the user. // // To enable compile-time type-safety, the class is parameterized on both the // user-defined callback interface implementation as well as the object type // associated with the callback. The object type-callback type pair are // associated together using the <`uvm_register_cb> macro to define // a valid pairing; valid pairings are checked when a user attempts to add // a callback to an object. // // To provide the most flexibility for end-user customization and reuse, it // is recommended that the component developer also define a corresponding set // of virtual method hooks in the component itself. This affords users the ability // to customize via inheritance/factory overrides as well as callback object // registration. The implementation of each virtual method would provide the // default traversal algorithm for the particular callback being called. Being // virtual, users can define subtypes that override the default algorithm, // perform tasks before and/or after calling super. to execute any // registered callbacks, or to not call the base implementation, effectively // disabling that particular hook. A demonstration of this methodology is // provided in an example included in the kit. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Class: uvm_callbacks#(T, CB) // Implementation of uvm_callbacks#(T,CB) class, as defined in // section // // | class uvm_callbacks #(type T=uvm_object, type CB=uvm_callback) // // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto class uvm_callbacks #(type T=uvm_object, type CB=uvm_callback) extends uvm_typed_callbacks#(T); // Parameter -- NODOCS -- T // // This type parameter specifies the base object type with which the // callback objects will be registered. This object must be // a derivative of ~uvm_object~. // Parameter -- NODOCS -- CB // // This type parameter specifies the base callback type that will be // managed by this callback class. The callback type is typically a // interface class, which defines one or more virtual method prototypes // that users can override in subtypes. This type must be a derivative // of . typedef uvm_typed_callbacks#(T) super_type; typedef uvm_callbacks#(T,CB) this_type; // Singleton instance is used for type checking local static this_type m_inst; // typeinfo static uvm_typeid_base m_typeid; static uvm_typeid_base m_cb_typeid; static string m_typename; static string m_cb_typename; static uvm_callbacks#(T,uvm_callback) m_base_inst; bit m_registered; // get // --- static function this_type get(); if (m_inst == null) begin uvm_typeid_base cb_base_type; void'(super_type::m_initialize()); cb_base_type = uvm_typeid#(uvm_callback)::get(); m_cb_typeid = uvm_typeid#(CB)::get(); m_typeid = uvm_typeid#(T)::get(); m_inst = new; if (cb_base_type == m_cb_typeid) begin $cast(m_base_inst, m_inst); // The base inst in the super class gets set to this base inst m_t_inst = m_base_inst; uvm_typeid_base::typeid_map[m_typeid] = m_inst; uvm_typeid_base::type_map[m_b_inst] = m_typeid; end else begin m_base_inst = uvm_callbacks#(T,uvm_callback)::get(); m_base_inst.m_this_type.push_back(m_inst); end if (m_inst == null) `uvm_fatal("CB/INTERNAL","get(): m_inst is null") end return m_inst; endfunction // m_register_pair // ------------- // Register valid callback type static function bit m_register_pair(string tname="", cbname=""); this_type inst = get(); m_typename = tname; super_type::m_typename = tname; m_typeid.typename = tname; m_cb_typename = cbname; m_cb_typeid.typename = cbname; inst.m_registered = 1; return 1; endfunction virtual function bit m_is_registered(uvm_object obj, uvm_callback cb); if(m_is_for_me(cb) && m_am_i_a(obj)) begin return m_registered; end endfunction //Does type check to see if the callback is valid for this type virtual function bit m_is_for_me(uvm_callback cb); CB this_cb; return($cast(this_cb,cb)); endfunction // Group -- NODOCS -- Add/delete interface // Function -- NODOCS -- add // // Registers the given callback object, ~cb~, with the given // ~obj~ handle. The ~obj~ handle can be ~null~, which allows // registration of callbacks without an object context. If // ~ordering~ is UVM_APPEND (default), the callback will be executed // after previously added callbacks, else the callback // will be executed ahead of previously added callbacks. The ~cb~ // is the callback handle; it must be non-~null~, and if the callback // has already been added to the object instance then a warning is // issued. Note that the CB parameter is optional. For example, the // following are equivalent: // //| uvm_callbacks#(my_comp)::add(comp_a, cb); //| uvm_callbacks#(my_comp, my_callback)::add(comp_a,cb); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void add(T obj, uvm_callback cb, uvm_apprepend ordering=UVM_APPEND); uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; string nm,tnm; void'(get()); if (cb==null) begin if (obj==null) nm = "(*)"; else nm = obj.get_full_name(); if (m_base_inst.m_typename!="") tnm = m_base_inst.m_typename; else if (obj != null) tnm = obj.get_type_name(); else tnm = "uvm_object"; uvm_report_error("CBUNREG", {"Null callback object cannot be registered with object ", nm, " (", tnm, ")"}, UVM_NONE); return; end if (!m_base_inst.check_registration(obj,cb)) begin if (obj==null) nm = "(*)"; else nm = obj.get_full_name(); if (m_base_inst.m_typename!="") tnm = m_base_inst.m_typename; else if(obj != null) tnm = obj.get_type_name(); else tnm = "uvm_object"; uvm_report_warning("CBUNREG", {"Callback ", cb.get_name(), " cannot be registered with object ", nm, " because callback type ", cb.get_type_name(), " is not registered with object type ", tnm }, UVM_NONE); end if(obj == null) begin if (m_cb_find(m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q,cb) != -1) begin if (m_base_inst.m_typename!="") tnm = m_base_inst.m_typename; else tnm = "uvm_object"; uvm_report_warning("CBPREG", {"Callback object ", cb.get_name(), " is already registered with type ", tnm }, UVM_NONE); end else begin `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(cb,$sformatf("Add (%s) typewide callback %0s for type %s", ordering.name(), cb.get_name(), m_base_inst.m_typename)) m_t_inst.m_add_tw_cbs(cb,ordering); end end else begin `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(cb,$sformatf("Add (%s) callback %0s to object %0s ", ordering.name(), cb.get_name(), obj.get_full_name())) q = m_base_inst.m_pool.get(obj); if (q==null) begin q=new; m_base_inst.m_pool.add(obj,q); end if(q.size() == 0) begin // Need to make sure that registered report catchers are added. This // way users don't need to set up uvm_report_object as a super type. uvm_report_object o; if($cast(o,obj)) begin uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) qr; void'(uvm_callbacks#(uvm_report_object, uvm_callback)::get()); qr = uvm_callbacks#(uvm_report_object,uvm_callback)::m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q; for(int i=0; i the CB parameter is optional. ~root~ specifies the location in // the component hierarchy to start the search for ~name~. See // for more details on searching by name. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void add_by_name(string name, uvm_callback cb, uvm_component root, uvm_apprepend ordering=UVM_APPEND); uvm_component cq[$]; uvm_root top; uvm_coreservice_t cs; T t; void'(get()); cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); top = cs.get_root(); if(cb==null) begin uvm_report_error("CBUNREG", { "Null callback object cannot be registered with object(s) ", name }, UVM_NONE); return; end `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(cb,$sformatf("Add (%s) callback %0s by name to object(s) %0s ", ordering.name(), cb.get_name(), name)) top.find_all(name,cq,root); if(cq.size() == 0) begin uvm_report_warning("CBNOMTC", { "add_by_name failed to find any components matching the name ", name, ", callback ", cb.get_name(), " will not be registered." }, UVM_NONE); end foreach(cq[i]) begin if($cast(t,cq[i])) begin add(t,cb,ordering); end end endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- delete // // Deletes the given callback object, ~cb~, from the queue associated with // the given ~obj~ handle. The ~obj~ handle can be ~null~, which allows // de-registration of callbacks without an object context. // The ~cb~ is the callback handle; it must be non-~null~, and if the callback // has already been removed from the object instance then a warning is // issued. Note that the CB parameter is optional. For example, the // following are equivalent: // //| uvm_callbacks#(my_comp)::delete(comp_a, cb); //| uvm_callbacks#(my_comp, my_callback)::delete(comp_a,cb); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void delete(T obj, uvm_callback cb); uvm_object b_obj = obj; uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; bit found; int pos; void'(get()); if(obj == null) begin `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(cb,$sformatf("Delete typewide callback %0s for type %s", cb.get_name(), m_base_inst.m_typename)) found = m_t_inst.m_delete_tw_cbs(cb); end else begin `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(cb,$sformatf("Delete callback %0s from object %0s ", cb.get_name(), obj.get_full_name())) q = m_base_inst.m_pool.get(b_obj); pos = m_cb_find(q,cb); if(pos != -1) begin q.delete(pos); found = 1; end end if(!found) begin string nm; if(obj==null) nm = "(*)"; else nm = obj.get_full_name(); uvm_report_warning("CBUNREG", { "Callback ", cb.get_name(), " cannot be removed from object ", nm, " because it is not currently registered to that object." }, UVM_NONE); end endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- delete_by_name // // Removes the given callback object, ~cb~, associated with one or more // uvm_component callback queues. As with the CB parameter is // optional. ~root~ specifies the location in the component hierarchy to start // the search for ~name~. See for more details on searching // by name. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void delete_by_name(string name, uvm_callback cb, uvm_component root); uvm_component cq[$]; uvm_root top; T t; uvm_coreservice_t cs; void'(get()); cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); top = cs.get_root(); `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(cb,$sformatf("Delete callback %0s by name from object(s) %0s ", cb.get_name(), name)) top.find_all(name,cq,root); if(cq.size() == 0) begin uvm_report_warning("CBNOMTC", { "delete_by_name failed to find any components matching the name ", name, ", callback ", cb.get_name(), " will not be unregistered." }, UVM_NONE); end foreach(cq[i]) begin if($cast(t,cq[i])) begin delete(t,cb); end end endfunction //-------------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Iterator Interface //-------------------------- // // This set of functions provide an iterator interface for callback queues. A facade // class, is also available, and is the generally preferred way to // iterate over callback queues. static function void m_get_q (ref uvm_queue #(uvm_callback) q, input T obj); if(!m_base_inst.m_pool.exists(obj)) begin //no instance specific q = (obj == null) ? m_t_inst.m_tw_cb_q : m_t_inst.m_get_tw_cb_q(obj); end else begin q = m_base_inst.m_pool.get(obj); if(q==null) begin q=new; m_base_inst.m_pool.add(obj,q); end end endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get_first // // Returns the first enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for ~obj~. // If ~obj~ is ~null~ then the typewide queue for T is searched. ~itr~ is the iterator; // it will be updated with a value that can be supplied to to get the next // callback object. // // If the queue is empty then ~null~ is returned. // // The iterator class may be used as an alternative, simplified, // iterator interface. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function CB get_first (ref int itr, input T obj); uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; CB cb; void'(get()); m_get_q(q,obj); for(itr = 0; itr to get the previous // callback object. // // If the queue is empty then ~null~ is returned. // // The iterator class may be used as an alternative, simplified, // iterator interface. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function CB get_last (ref int itr, input T obj); uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; CB cb; void'(get()); m_get_q(q,obj); for(itr = q.size()-1; itr>=0; --itr) if ($cast(cb, q.get(itr)) && cb.callback_mode()) return cb; return null; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get_next // // Returns the next enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for ~obj~, // using ~itr~ as the starting point. If ~obj~ is ~null~ then the typewide queue for T // is searched. ~itr~ is the iterator; it will be updated with a value that can be // supplied to to get the next callback object. // // If no more callbacks exist in the queue, then ~null~ is returned. will // continue to return ~null~ in this case until or has been used to reset // the iterator. // // The iterator class may be used as an alternative, simplified, // iterator interface. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function CB get_next (ref int itr, input T obj); uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; CB cb; void'(get()); m_get_q(q,obj); for(itr = itr+1; itr to get the previous callback object. // // If no more callbacks exist in the queue, then ~null~ is returned. will // continue to return ~null~ in this case until or has been used to reset // the iterator. // // The iterator class may be used as an alternative, simplified, // iterator interface. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function CB get_prev (ref int itr, input T obj); uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; CB cb; void'(get()); m_get_q(q,obj); for(itr = itr-1; itr>= 0; --itr) if($cast(cb, q.get(itr)) && cb.callback_mode()) return cb; return null; endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void get_all ( ref CB all_callbacks[$], input T obj=null ); uvm_queue#(uvm_callback) q; CB cb; CB callbacks_to_append[$]; CB unique_callbacks_to_append[$]; void'( get() ); if ((obj == null) || (!m_pool.exists(obj))) begin // Only typewide callbacks exist for (int qi=0; qi and // <`uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on> provide a simple method for iterating // callbacks and executing the callback methods. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.1 class uvm_callback_iter#(type T = uvm_object, type CB = uvm_callback); local int m_i; local T m_obj; local CB m_cb; // Function -- NODOCS -- new // // Creates a new callback iterator object. It is required that the object // context be provided. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.2.1 function new(T obj); m_obj = obj; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- first // // Returns the first valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or // a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If the // queue is empty then ~null~ is returned. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.2.2 function CB first(); m_cb = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::get_first(m_i, m_obj); return m_cb; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- last // // Returns the last valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or // a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If the // queue is empty then ~null~ is returned. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.2.3 function CB last(); m_cb = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::get_last(m_i, m_obj); return m_cb; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- next // // Returns the next valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or // a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If there // are no more valid callbacks in the queue, then ~null~ is returned. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.2.4 function CB next(); m_cb = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::get_next(m_i, m_obj); return m_cb; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- prev // // Returns the previous valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or // a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If there // are no more valid callbacks in the queue, then ~null~ is returned. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.2.5 function CB prev(); m_cb = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::get_prev(m_i, m_obj); return m_cb; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get_cb // // Returns the last callback accessed via a first() or next() // call. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto D.1.2.6 function CB get_cb(); return m_cb; endfunction /**** function void trace(uvm_object obj = null); if (m_cb != null && T::cbs::get_debug_flags() & UVM_CALLBACK_TRACE) begin uvm_report_object reporter = null; string who = "Executing "; void'($cast(reporter, obj)); if (reporter == null) void'($cast(reporter, m_obj)); if (reporter == null) reporter = uvm_top; if (obj != null) who = {obj.get_full_name(), " is executing "}; else if (m_obj != null) who = {m_obj.get_full_name(), " is executing "}; reporter.uvm_report_info("CLLBK_TRC", {who, "callback ", m_cb.get_name()}, UVM_LOW); end endfunction ****/ endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CLASS -- NODOCS -- uvm_callback // // The ~uvm_callback~ class is the base class for user-defined callback classes. // Typically, the component developer defines an application-specific callback // class that extends from this class. In it, he defines one or more virtual // methods, called a ~callback interface~, that represent the hooks available // for user override. // // Methods intended for optional override should not be declared ~pure.~ Usually, // all the callback methods are defined with empty implementations so users have // the option of overriding any or all of them. // // The prototypes for each hook method are completely application specific with // no restrictions. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto class uvm_callback extends uvm_object; protected bit m_enabled = 1; `uvm_object_utils(uvm_callback) // Function -- NODOCS -- new // // Creates a new uvm_callback object, giving it an optional ~name~. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function new(string name="uvm_callback"); super.new(name); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- callback_mode // // Enable/disable callbacks (modeled like rand_mode and constraint_mode). // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function bit callback_mode(int on=-1); if(on == 0 || on == 1) begin `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(this,$sformatf("Setting callback mode for %s to %s", get_name(), ((on==1) ? "ENABLED":"DISABLED"))) end else begin `uvm_cb_trace_noobj(this,$sformatf("Callback mode for %s is %s", get_name(), ((m_enabled==1) ? "ENABLED":"DISABLED"))) end callback_mode = m_enabled; if(on==0) m_enabled=0; if(on==1) m_enabled=1; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- is_enabled // // Returns 1 if the callback is enabled, 0 otherwise. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function bit is_enabled(); return callback_mode(); endfunction endclass