//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2015 Analog Devices, Inc. // Copyright 2010-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2014-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation // Copyright 2014-2018 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2013-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2014 Semifore // Copyright 2018 Synopsys, Inc. // Copyright 2017 Verific // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef class uvm_factory; typedef class uvm_default_factory; typedef class uvm_report_server; typedef class uvm_default_report_server; typedef class uvm_root; typedef class uvm_visitor; typedef class uvm_component_name_check_visitor; typedef class uvm_component; typedef class uvm_comparer; typedef class uvm_copier; typedef class uvm_packer; typedef class uvm_printer; typedef class uvm_table_printer; typedef class uvm_tr_database; typedef class uvm_text_tr_database; typedef class uvm_resource_pool; typedef class uvm_default_coreservice_t; // Title: Core Service // // Class: uvm_coreservice_t // // The library implements the following public API in addition to what // is documented in IEEE 1800.2. // // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F.4.1.1 virtual class uvm_coreservice_t; // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_factory get_factory(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_factory(uvm_factory f); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_report_server get_report_server(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_report_server(uvm_report_server server); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_tr_database get_default_tr_database(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_default_tr_database(uvm_tr_database db); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_component_visitor(uvm_visitor#(uvm_component) v); pure virtual function uvm_visitor#(uvm_component) get_component_visitor(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_root get_root(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_phase_max_ready_to_end(int max); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function int get_phase_max_ready_to_end(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_default_printer(uvm_printer printer); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_printer get_default_printer(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_default_packer(uvm_packer packer); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_packer get_default_packer(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_default_comparer(uvm_comparer comparer); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_comparer get_default_comparer(); pure virtual function int unsigned get_global_seed(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_default_copier(uvm_copier copier); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_copier get_default_copier(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function bit get_uvm_seeding(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_uvm_seeding(bit enable); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_resource_pool (uvm_resource_pool pool); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function uvm_resource_pool get_resource_pool(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F. pure virtual function void set_resource_pool_default_precedence(int unsigned precedence); pure virtual function int unsigned get_resource_pool_default_precedence(); local static uvm_coreservice_t inst; // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F.4.1.3 static function uvm_coreservice_t get(); if(inst==null) uvm_init(null); return inst; endfunction // get static function void set(uvm_coreservice_t cs); inst=cs; endfunction endclass // Class: uvm_default_coreservice_t // Implementation of the uvm_default_coreservice_t as defined in // section F.4.2.1 of 1800.2-2020. // //| class uvm_default_coreservice_t extends uvm_coreservice_t // // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto F.4.2.1 class uvm_default_coreservice_t extends uvm_coreservice_t; local uvm_factory factory; // Function --NODOCS-- get_factory // // Returns the currently enabled uvm factory. // When no factory has been set before, instantiates a uvm_default_factory virtual function uvm_factory get_factory(); if(factory==null) begin uvm_default_factory f; f=new; factory=f; end return factory; endfunction // Function --NODOCS-- set_factory // // Sets the current uvm factory. // Please note: it is up to the user to preserve the contents of the original factory or delegate calls to the original factory virtual function void set_factory(uvm_factory f); factory = f; endfunction local uvm_tr_database tr_database; // Function --NODOCS-- get_default_tr_database // returns the current default record database // // If no default record database has been set before this method // is called, returns an instance of virtual function uvm_tr_database get_default_tr_database(); if (tr_database == null) begin process p = process::self(); uvm_text_tr_database tx_db; string s; if(p != null) s = p.get_randstate(); tx_db = new("default_tr_database"); tr_database = tx_db; if(p != null) p.set_randstate(s); end return tr_database; endfunction : get_default_tr_database // Function --NODOCS-- set_default_tr_database // Sets the current default record database to ~db~ virtual function void set_default_tr_database(uvm_tr_database db); tr_database = db; endfunction : set_default_tr_database local uvm_report_server report_server; // Function --NODOCS-- get_report_server // returns the current global report_server // if no report server has been set before, returns an instance of // uvm_default_report_server virtual function uvm_report_server get_report_server(); if(report_server==null) begin uvm_default_report_server f; f=new; report_server=f; end return report_server; endfunction // Function --NODOCS-- set_report_server // sets the central report server to ~server~ virtual function void set_report_server(uvm_report_server server); report_server=server; endfunction virtual function uvm_root get_root(); return uvm_root::m_uvm_get_root(); endfunction local uvm_visitor#(uvm_component) _visitor; // Function --NODOCS-- set_component_visitor // sets the component visitor to ~v~ // (this visitor is being used for the traversal at end_of_elaboration_phase // for instance for name checking) virtual function void set_component_visitor(uvm_visitor#(uvm_component) v); _visitor=v; endfunction // Function --NODOCS-- get_component_visitor // retrieves the current component visitor // if unset(or ~null~) returns a instance virtual function uvm_visitor#(uvm_component) get_component_visitor(); if(_visitor==null) begin uvm_component_name_check_visitor v = new("name-check-visitor"); _visitor=v; end return _visitor; endfunction local uvm_printer m_printer ; virtual function void set_default_printer(uvm_printer printer); m_printer = printer ; endfunction // Function: get_default_printer // Implementation of the get_default_printer method, as defined in // section F. of 1800.2-2020. // // The default printer type returned by this function is // a uvm_table_printer, unless the default printer has been set to // another printer type // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 virtual function uvm_printer get_default_printer(); if (m_printer == null) begin m_printer = uvm_table_printer::get_default() ; end return m_printer ; endfunction local uvm_packer m_packer ; virtual function void set_default_packer(uvm_packer packer); m_packer = packer ; endfunction virtual function uvm_packer get_default_packer(); if (m_packer == null) begin m_packer = new("uvm_default_packer") ; end return m_packer ; endfunction local uvm_comparer m_comparer ; virtual function void set_default_comparer(uvm_comparer comparer); m_comparer = comparer ; endfunction virtual function uvm_comparer get_default_comparer(); if (m_comparer == null) begin m_comparer = new("uvm_default_comparer") ; end return m_comparer ; endfunction local int m_default_max_ready_to_end_iters = 20; virtual function void set_phase_max_ready_to_end(int max); m_default_max_ready_to_end_iters = max; endfunction virtual function int get_phase_max_ready_to_end(); return m_default_max_ready_to_end_iters; endfunction local uvm_resource_pool m_rp ; virtual function void set_resource_pool (uvm_resource_pool pool); m_rp = pool; endfunction virtual function uvm_resource_pool get_resource_pool(); if(m_rp == null) m_rp = new(); return m_rp; endfunction local int unsigned m_default_precedence = 1000; virtual function void set_resource_pool_default_precedence(int unsigned precedence); m_default_precedence = precedence; endfunction virtual function int unsigned get_resource_pool_default_precedence(); return m_default_precedence; endfunction local int unsigned m_uvm_global_seed = $urandom; virtual function int unsigned get_global_seed(); return m_uvm_global_seed; endfunction local bit m_use_uvm_seeding = 1; virtual function bit get_uvm_seeding(); return m_use_uvm_seeding; endfunction : get_uvm_seeding virtual function void set_uvm_seeding(bit enable); m_use_uvm_seeding = enable; endfunction : set_uvm_seeding local uvm_copier m_copier ; virtual function void set_default_copier(uvm_copier copier); m_copier = copier ; endfunction virtual function uvm_copier get_default_copier(); if (m_copier == null) begin m_copier = new("uvm_default_copier") ; end return m_copier ; endfunction endclass