// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2012 AMD // Copyright 2015 Analog Devices, Inc. // Copyright 2007-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2017-2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2007-2014 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2013-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2011-2018 Synopsys, Inc. // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef class uvm_report_message; // File -- NODOCS -- UVM Recorders // // The uvm_recorder class serves two purposes: // - Firstly, it is an abstract representation of a record within a // . // - Secondly, it is a policy object for recording fields ~into~ that // record within the ~stream~. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CLASS -- NODOCS -- uvm_recorder // // Abstract class which defines the ~recorder~ API. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto 16.4.1 virtual class uvm_recorder extends uvm_policy; `uvm_object_abstract_utils(uvm_recorder) // Variable- m_stream_dap // Data access protected reference to the stream local uvm_set_before_get_dap#(uvm_tr_stream) m_stream_dap; // Variable- m_warn_null_stream // Used to limit the number of warnings local bit m_warn_null_stream; // Variable- m_is_opened // Used to indicate recorder is open local bit m_is_opened; // Variable- m_is_closed // Used to indicate recorder is closed local bit m_is_closed; // !m_is_opened && !m_is_closed == m_is_freed // Variable- m_open_time // Used to store the open_time local time m_open_time; // Variable- m_close_time // Used to store the close_time local time m_close_time; // Variable- recording_depth int recording_depth; // Variable -- NODOCS -- default_radix // // This is the default radix setting if is called without // a radix. uvm_radix_enum default_radix = UVM_HEX; // Variable -- NODOCS -- identifier // // This bit is used to specify whether or not an object's reference should be // recorded when the object is recorded. bit identifier = 1; // Variable -- NODOCS -- recursion_policy // // Sets the recursion policy for recording objects. // // The default policy is deep (which means to recurse an object). local uvm_recursion_policy_enum policy = UVM_DEFAULT_POLICY; // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void set_recursion_policy(uvm_recursion_policy_enum policy); this.policy = policy; endfunction : set_recursion_policy // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function uvm_recursion_policy_enum get_recursion_policy(); return this.policy; endfunction : get_recursion_policy // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void flush(); policy = UVM_DEFAULT_POLICY; identifier = 1; free(); endfunction : flush // Variable- m_ids_by_recorder // An associative array of int, indexed by uvm_recorders. This // provides a unique 'id' or 'handle' for each recorder, which can be // used to identify the recorder. // // By default, neither ~m_ids_by_recorder~ or ~m_recorders_by_id~ are // used. Recorders are only placed in the arrays when the user // attempts to determine the id for a recorder. local static int m_ids_by_recorder[uvm_recorder]; function new(string name = "uvm_recorder"); super.new(name); m_stream_dap = new("stream_dap"); m_warn_null_stream = 1; endfunction // Group -- NODOCS -- Configuration API // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto 16.4.3 function uvm_tr_stream get_stream(); if (!m_stream_dap.try_get(get_stream)) begin if (m_warn_null_stream == 1) `uvm_warning("UVM/REC/NO_CFG", $sformatf("attempt to retrieve STREAM from '%s' before it was set!", get_name())) m_warn_null_stream = 0; end endfunction : get_stream // Group -- NODOCS -- Transaction Recorder API // // Once a recorder has been opened via , the user // can ~close~ the recorder. // // Due to the fact that many database implementations will require crossing // a language boundary, an additional step of ~freeing~ the recorder is required. // // A ~link~ can be established within the database any time between ~open~ and // ~free~, however it is illegal to establish a link after ~freeing~ the recorder. // // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void close(time close_time = 0); if (close_time == 0) close_time = $realtime; if (!is_open()) return; do_close(close_time); m_is_opened = 0; m_is_closed = 1; m_close_time = close_time; endfunction : close // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void free(time close_time = 0); process p=process::self(); string s; uvm_tr_stream stream; if (!is_open() && !is_closed()) return; if (is_open()) begin close(close_time); end do_free(); // Clear out internal state stream = get_stream(); m_is_closed = 0; if(p != null) s=p.get_randstate(); m_stream_dap = new("stream_dap"); if(p != null) p.set_randstate(s); m_warn_null_stream = 1; if (m_ids_by_recorder.exists(this)) m_free_id(m_ids_by_recorder[this]); // Clear out stream state if (stream != null) stream.m_free_recorder(this); endfunction : free // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function bit is_open(); return m_is_opened; endfunction : is_open // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function time get_open_time(); return m_open_time; endfunction : get_open_time // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function bit is_closed(); return m_is_closed; endfunction : is_closed // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function time get_close_time(); return m_close_time; endfunction : get_close_time // Function- m_do_open // Initializes the internal state of the recorder. // // Parameters -- NODOCS -- // stream - The stream which spawned this recorder // // This method will trigger a call. // // An error will be asserted if: // - ~m_do_open~ is called more than once without the // recorder being ~freed~ in between. // - ~stream~ is ~null~ function void m_do_open(uvm_tr_stream stream, time open_time, string type_name); uvm_tr_stream m_stream; if (stream == null) begin `uvm_error("UVM/REC/NULL_STREAM", $sformatf("Illegal attempt to set STREAM for '%s' to ''", this.get_name())) return; end if (m_stream_dap.try_get(m_stream)) begin `uvm_error("UVM/REC/RE_INIT", $sformatf("Illegal attempt to re-initialize '%s'", this.get_name())) return; end m_stream_dap.set(stream); m_open_time = open_time; m_is_opened = 1; do_open(stream, open_time, type_name); endfunction : m_do_open // Group -- NODOCS -- Handles // Variable- m_recorders_by_id // A corollary to ~m_ids_by_recorder~, this indexes the recorders by their // unique ids. local static uvm_recorder m_recorders_by_id[int]; // Variable- m_id // Static int marking the last assigned id. local static int m_id; // Function- m_free_id // Frees the id/recorder link (memory cleanup) // static function void m_free_id(int id); uvm_recorder recorder; if ((!$isunknown(id)) && (m_recorders_by_id.exists(id))) recorder = m_recorders_by_id[id]; if (recorder != null) begin m_recorders_by_id.delete(id); m_ids_by_recorder.delete(recorder); end endfunction : m_free_id // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function int get_handle(); if (!is_open() && !is_closed()) begin return 0; end else begin int handle = get_inst_id(); // Check for the weird case where our handle changed. if (m_ids_by_recorder.exists(this) && m_ids_by_recorder[this] != handle) m_recorders_by_id.delete(m_ids_by_recorder[this]); m_recorders_by_id[handle] = this; m_ids_by_recorder[this] = handle; return handle; end endfunction : get_handle // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function uvm_recorder get_recorder_from_handle(int id); if (id == 0) return null; if (($isunknown(id)) || (!m_recorders_by_id.exists(id))) return null; return m_recorders_by_id[id]; endfunction : get_recorder_from_handle // Group -- NODOCS -- Attribute Recording // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_field(string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix=UVM_NORADIX); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end do_record_field(name, value, size, radix); endfunction : record_field // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_field_int(string name, uvm_integral_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix=UVM_NORADIX); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end do_record_field_int(name, value, size, radix); endfunction : record_field_int // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_field_real(string name, real value); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end do_record_field_real(name, value); endfunction : record_field_real // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_object(string name, uvm_object value); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end if (value == null) do_record_object(name, value); else begin push_active_object(value); do_record_object(name, value); void'(pop_active_object()); end endfunction : record_object // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_string(string name, string value); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end do_record_string(name, value); endfunction : record_string // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_time(string name, time value); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end do_record_time(name, value); endfunction : record_time // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto function void record_generic(string name, string value, string type_name=""); if (get_stream() == null) begin return; end do_record_generic(name, value, type_name); endfunction : record_generic // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function bit use_record_attribute(); return 0; endfunction : use_record_attribute // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function int get_record_attribute_handle(); return get_handle(); endfunction : get_record_attribute_handle // Group -- NODOCS -- Implementation Agnostic API // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto protected virtual function void do_open(uvm_tr_stream stream, time open_time, string type_name); endfunction : do_open // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto protected virtual function void do_close(time close_time); endfunction : do_close // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto protected virtual function void do_free(); endfunction : do_free // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto pure virtual protected function void do_record_field(string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto pure virtual protected function void do_record_field_int(string name, uvm_integral_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto pure virtual protected function void do_record_field_real(string name, real value); // Function : do_record_object // The library implements do_record_object as virtual even though the LRM // calls for pure virtual. Mantis 6591 calls for the LRM to move to // virtual. The implemented signature is: // virtual protected function void do_record_object(string name, uvm_object value); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual protected function void do_record_object(string name, uvm_object value); if ((get_recursion_policy() != UVM_REFERENCE) && (value != null)) begin uvm_field_op field_op = uvm_field_op::m_get_available_op(); field_op.set(UVM_RECORD, this, null); value.do_execute_op(field_op); if (field_op.user_hook_enabled()) value.do_record(this); field_op.m_recycle(); end endfunction : do_record_object // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto pure virtual protected function void do_record_string(string name, string value); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto pure virtual protected function void do_record_time(string name, time value); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto pure virtual protected function void do_record_generic(string name, string value, string type_name); // The following code is primarily for backwards compat. purposes. "Transaction // Handles" are useful when connecting to a backend, but when passing the information // back and forth within simulation, it is safer to user the ~recorder~ itself // as a reference to the transaction within the database. //------------------------------ // Group- Vendor-Independent API //------------------------------ // UVM provides only a text-based default implementation. // Vendors provide subtype implementations and overwrite the // handle. // Function- open_file // // Opens the file in the property and assigns to the // file descriptor . // virtual function bit open_file(); return 0; endfunction // Function- create_stream // // virtual function int create_stream (string name, string t, string scope); return -1; endfunction // Function- m_set_attribute // // virtual function void m_set_attribute (int txh, string nm, string value); endfunction // Function- set_attribute // virtual function void set_attribute (int txh, string nm, logic [1023:0] value, uvm_radix_enum radix, int numbits=1024); endfunction // Function- check_handle_kind // // virtual function int check_handle_kind (string htype, int handle); return 0; endfunction // Function- begin_tr // // virtual function int begin_tr(string txtype, int stream, string nm, string label="", string desc="", time begin_time=0); return -1; endfunction // Function- end_tr // // virtual function void end_tr (int handle, time end_time=0); endfunction // Function- link_tr // // virtual function void link_tr(int h1, int h2, string relation=""); endfunction // Function- free_tr // // virtual function void free_tr(int handle); endfunction endclass // uvm_recorder //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CLASS: uvm_text_recorder // // The ~uvm_text_recorder~ is the default recorder implementation for the // . // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 class uvm_text_recorder extends uvm_recorder; `uvm_object_utils(uvm_text_recorder) // Variable- m_text_db // // Reference to the text database backend uvm_text_tr_database m_text_db; // Function --NODOCS-- new // Constructor // // Parameters --NODOCS-- // name - Instance name function new(string name="unnamed-uvm_text_recorder"); super.new(name); endfunction : new // Group --NODOCS-- Implementation Agnostic API // Function --NODOCS-- do_open // Callback triggered via . // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_open(uvm_tr_stream stream, time open_time, string type_name); $cast(m_text_db, stream.get_db()); if (m_text_db.open_db()) $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file, " OPEN_RECORDER @%0t {TXH:%0d STREAM:%0d NAME:%s TIME:%0t TYPE=\"%0s\"}", $realtime, this.get_handle(), stream.get_handle(), this.get_name(), open_time, type_name); endfunction : do_open // Function --NODOCS-- do_close // Callback triggered via . // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_close(time close_time); if (m_text_db.open_db()) begin $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file, " CLOSE_RECORDER @%0t {TXH:%0d TIME=%0t}", $realtime, this.get_handle(), close_time); end endfunction : do_close // Function --NODOCS-- do_free // Callback triggered via . // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_free(); if (m_text_db.open_db()) begin $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file, " FREE_RECORDER @%0t {TXH:%0d}", $realtime, this.get_handle()); end m_text_db = null; endfunction : do_free // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_field // Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_record_field(string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix); if (!radix) radix = default_radix; write_attribute(m_current_context(name), value, radix, size); endfunction : do_record_field // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_field_int // Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_record_field_int(string name, uvm_integral_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix); if (!radix) radix = default_radix; write_attribute_int(m_current_context(name), value, radix, size); endfunction : do_record_field_int // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_field_real // Record a real field. // // Text-backened specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_record_field_real(string name, real value); bit [63:0] ival = $realtobits(value); write_attribute_int(m_current_context(name), ival, UVM_REAL, 64); endfunction : do_record_field_real // Stores the passed-in names of the objects in the hierarchy local string m_object_names[$]; local function string m_current_context(string name=""); if (m_object_names.size() == 0) return name; //?? else if ((m_object_names.size() == 1) && (name=="")) return m_object_names[0]; else begin string full_name; foreach(m_object_names[i]) begin if (i == m_object_names.size() - 1) full_name = {full_name, m_object_names[i]}; else full_name = {full_name, m_object_names[i], "."}; end if (name != "") return {full_name, ".", name}; else return full_name; end endfunction : m_current_context // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_object // Record an object field. // // Text-backend specific implementation. // // The method uses ~identifier~ to determine whether or not to // record the object instance id, and ~recursion_policy~ to // determine whether or not to recurse into the object. protected virtual function void do_record_object(string name, uvm_object value); int v; string str; if(identifier) begin if(value != null) begin v = value.get_inst_id(); end write_attribute_int("inst_id", v, UVM_DEC, 32); end if (get_active_object_depth() > 1) m_object_names.push_back(name); super.do_record_object(name, value); if (get_active_object_depth() > 1) void'(m_object_names.pop_back()); endfunction : do_record_object // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_string // Records a string field. // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_record_string(string name, string value); if (m_text_db.open_db()) begin $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file, " SET_ATTR @%0t {TXH:%0d NAME:%s VALUE:%s RADIX:%s BITS=%0d}", $realtime, this.get_handle(), m_current_context(name), value, "UVM_STRING", 8+value.len()); end endfunction : do_record_string // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_time // Records a time field. // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_record_time(string name, time value); write_attribute_int(m_current_context(name), value, UVM_TIME, 64); endfunction : do_record_time // Function --NODOCS-- do_record_generic // Records a name/value pair, where ~value~ has been converted to a string. // // Text-backend specific implementation. protected virtual function void do_record_generic(string name, string value, string type_name); write_attribute(m_current_context(name), uvm_string_to_bits(value), UVM_STRING, 8+value.len()); endfunction : do_record_generic // Group: Implementation Specific API // Function: write_attribute // Outputs a attribute to the textual log. // // Parameters: // nm - Name of the attribute // value - Value // radix - Radix of the output // numbits - number of valid bits // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 function void write_attribute(string nm, uvm_bitstream_t value, uvm_radix_enum radix, int numbits=$bits(uvm_bitstream_t)); if (m_text_db.open_db()) begin $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file, " SET_ATTR @%0t {TXH:%0d NAME:%s VALUE:%s RADIX:%s BITS=%0d}", $realtime, this.get_handle(), nm, uvm_bitstream_to_string(value, numbits, radix), radix.name(), numbits); end endfunction : write_attribute // Function: write_attribute_int // Outputs an attribute to the textual log // // Parameters: // nm - Name of the attribute // value - Value // radix - Radix of the output // numbits - number of valid bits // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 function void write_attribute_int(string nm, uvm_integral_t value, uvm_radix_enum radix, int numbits=$bits(uvm_bitstream_t)); if (m_text_db.open_db()) begin $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file, " SET_ATTR @%0t {TXH:%0d NAME:%s VALUE:%s RADIX:%s BITS=%0d}", $realtime, this.get_handle(), nm, uvm_integral_to_string(value, numbits, radix), radix.name(), numbits); end endfunction : write_attribute_int /// LEFT FOR BACKWARDS COMPAT ONLY!!!!!!!! //------------------------------ // Group- Vendor-Independent API //------------------------------ // UVM provides only a text-based default implementation. // Vendors provide subtype implementations and overwrite the // handle. string filename; bit filename_set; // Function- open_file // // Opens the file in the property and assigns to the // file descriptor . // virtual function bit open_file(); if (!filename_set) begin m_text_db.set_file_name(filename); end return m_text_db.open_db(); endfunction // Function- create_stream // // virtual function int create_stream (string name, string t, string scope); uvm_text_tr_stream stream; if (open_file()) begin $cast(stream,m_text_db.open_stream(name, scope, t)); return stream.get_handle(); end return 0; endfunction // Function- m_set_attribute // // virtual function void m_set_attribute (int txh, string nm, string value); if (open_file()) begin UVM_FILE file = m_text_db.m_file; $fdisplay(file," SET_ATTR @%0t {TXH:%0d NAME:%s VALUE:%s}", $realtime,txh,nm,value); end endfunction // Function- set_attribute // // virtual function void set_attribute (int txh, string nm, logic [1023:0] value, uvm_radix_enum radix, int numbits=1024); if (open_file()) begin UVM_FILE file = m_text_db.m_file; $fdisplay(file, " SET_ATTR @%0t {TXH:%0d NAME:%s VALUE:%s RADIX:%s BITS=%0d}", $realtime, txh, nm, uvm_bitstream_to_string(value, numbits, radix), radix.name(), numbits); end endfunction // Function- check_handle_kind // // virtual function int check_handle_kind (string htype, int handle); return ((uvm_recorder::get_recorder_from_handle(handle) != null) || (uvm_tr_stream::get_stream_from_handle(handle) != null)); endfunction // Function- begin_tr // // virtual function int begin_tr(string txtype, int stream, string nm, string label="", string desc="", time begin_time=0); if (open_file()) begin uvm_tr_stream stream_obj = uvm_tr_stream::get_stream_from_handle(stream); uvm_recorder recorder; if (stream_obj == null) return -1; recorder = stream_obj.open_recorder(nm, begin_time, txtype); return recorder.get_handle(); end return -1; endfunction // Function- end_tr // // virtual function void end_tr (int handle, time end_time=0); if (open_file()) begin uvm_recorder record = uvm_recorder::get_recorder_from_handle(handle); if (record != null) begin record.close(end_time); end end endfunction // Function- link_tr // // virtual function void link_tr(int h1, int h2, string relation=""); if (open_file()) $fdisplay(m_text_db.m_file," LINK @%0t {TXH1:%0d TXH2:%0d RELATION=%0s}", $realtime,h1,h2,relation); endfunction // Function- free_tr // // virtual function void free_tr(int handle); if (open_file()) begin uvm_recorder record = uvm_recorder::get_recorder_from_handle(handle); if (record != null) begin record.free(); end end endfunction // free_tr endclass : uvm_text_recorder