// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright 2011 AMD // Copyright 2007-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation // Copyright 2007-2020 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2014-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2018 Qualcomm, Inc. // Copyright 2011-2014 Synopsys, Inc. // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `ifndef UVM_REGISTRY_SVH `define UVM_REGISTRY_SVH //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Title: Factory Component and Object Wrappers // // This section defines the proxy component and object classes used by the // factory. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef class uvm_registry_common; typedef class uvm_registry_component_creator; typedef class uvm_registry_object_creator; // Class: uvm_component_registry#(T,Tname) // Implementation of uvm_component_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section // of 1800.2-2020. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto class uvm_component_registry #(type T=uvm_component, string Tname="") extends uvm_object_wrapper; typedef uvm_component_registry #(T,Tname) this_type; typedef uvm_registry_common#( this_type, uvm_registry_component_creator, T, Tname ) common_type; // Function -- NODOCS -- create_component // // Creates a component of type T having the provided ~name~ and ~parent~. // This is an override of the method in . It is // called by the factory after determining the type of object to create. // You should not call this method directly. Call instead. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function uvm_component create_component (string name, uvm_component parent); T obj; obj = new(name, parent); return obj; endfunction static function string type_name(); return common_type::type_name(); endfunction : type_name // Function -- NODOCS -- get_type_name // // Returns the value given by the string parameter, ~Tname~. This method // overrides the method in . // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function string get_type_name(); common_type common = common_type::get(); return common.get_type_name(); endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 manual static function this_type get(); static this_type m_inst; if (m_inst == null) m_inst = new(); return m_inst; endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void initialize(); common_type common = common_type::get(); common.initialize(); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- create // // Returns an instance of the component type, ~T~, represented by this proxy, // subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the // ~parent~'s full name. The ~contxt~ argument, if supplied, supersedes the // ~parent~'s context. The new instance will have the given leaf ~name~ // and ~parent~. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function T create(string name, uvm_component parent, string contxt=""); return common_type::create( name, parent, contxt ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_type_override // // Configures the factory to create an object of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type, // ~T~, represented by this proxy, provided no instance override applies. The // original type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void set_type_override (uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace=1); common_type::set_type_override( override_type, replace ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_inst_override // // Configures the factory to create a component of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type, // ~T~, represented by this proxy, with matching instance paths. The original // type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. // // If ~parent~ is not specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted as an absolute // instance path, which enables instance overrides to be set from outside // component classes. If ~parent~ is specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted // as being relative to the ~parent~'s hierarchical instance path, i.e. // ~{parent.get_full_name(),".",inst_path}~ is the instance path that is // registered with the override. The ~inst_path~ may contain wildcards for // matching against multiple contexts. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void set_inst_override(uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string inst_path, uvm_component parent=null); common_type::set_inst_override( override_type, inst_path, parent ); endfunction // Function: set_type_alias // Sets a type alias for this wrapper in the default factory. // // If this wrapper is not yet registered with a factory (see ), // then the alias is deferred until registration occurs. // // @uvm-contrib This API is being considered for potential contribution to 1800.2 static function bit set_type_alias(string alias_name); common_type::set_type_alias( alias_name ); return 1; endfunction endclass // Class: uvm_object_registry#(T,Tname) // Implementation of uvm_object_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section // of 1800.2-2020. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto class uvm_object_registry #(type T=uvm_object, string Tname="") extends uvm_object_wrapper; typedef uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname) this_type; typedef uvm_registry_common#( this_type, uvm_registry_object_creator, T, Tname ) common_type; // Function -- NODOCS -- create_object // // Creates an object of type ~T~ and returns it as a handle to a // . This is an override of the method in . // It is called by the factory after determining the type of object to create. // You should not call this method directly. Call instead. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function uvm_object create_object(string name=""); T obj; if (name=="") obj = new(); else obj = new(name); return obj; endfunction static function string type_name(); return common_type::type_name(); endfunction : type_name // Function -- NODOCS -- get_type_name // // Returns the value given by the string parameter, ~Tname~. This method // overrides the method in . // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function string get_type_name(); common_type common = common_type::get(); return common.get_type_name(); endfunction // // Returns the singleton instance of this type. Type-based factory operation // depends on there being a single proxy instance for each registered type. static function this_type get(); static this_type m_inst; if (m_inst == null) m_inst = new(); return m_inst; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- create // // Returns an instance of the object type, ~T~, represented by this proxy, // subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the // ~parent~'s full name. The ~contxt~ argument, if supplied, supersedes the // ~parent~'s context. The new instance will have the given leaf ~name~, // if provided. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function T create (string name="", uvm_component parent=null, string contxt=""); return common_type::create( name, parent, contxt ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_type_override // // Configures the factory to create an object of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type // represented by this proxy, provided no instance override applies. The // original type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void set_type_override (uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace=1); common_type::set_type_override( override_type, replace ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_inst_override // // Configures the factory to create an object of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type // represented by this proxy, with matching instance paths. The original // type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. // // If ~parent~ is not specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted as an absolute // instance path, which enables instance overrides to be set from outside // component classes. If ~parent~ is specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted // as being relative to the ~parent~'s hierarchical instance path, i.e. // ~{parent.get_full_name(),".",inst_path}~ is the instance path that is // registered with the override. The ~inst_path~ may contain wildcards for // matching against multiple contexts. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto static function void set_inst_override(uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string inst_path, uvm_component parent=null); common_type::set_inst_override( override_type, inst_path, parent ); endfunction // Function: set_type_alias // Sets a type alias for this wrapper in the default factory. // // If this wrapper is not yet registered with a factory (see ), // then the alias is deferred until registration occurs. // // @uvm-contrib This API is being considered for potential contribution to 1800.2 static function bit set_type_alias(string alias_name); common_type::set_type_alias( alias_name ); return 1; endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void initialize(); common_type common = common_type::get(); common.initialize(); endfunction endclass // Class: uvm_abstract_component_registry#(T,Tname) // Implementation of uvm_abstract_component_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section // of 1800.2-2020. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto class uvm_abstract_component_registry #(type T=uvm_component, string Tname="") extends uvm_object_wrapper; typedef uvm_abstract_component_registry #(T,Tname) this_type; typedef uvm_registry_common#( this_type, uvm_registry_component_creator, T, Tname ) common_type; // Function -- NODOCS -- create_component // // Creates a component of type T having the provided ~name~ and ~parent~. // This is an override of the method in . It is // called by the factory after determining the type of object to create. // You should not call this method directly. Call instead. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function uvm_component create_component (string name, uvm_component parent); `uvm_error( "UVM/ABST_RGTRY/CREATE_ABSTRACT_CMPNT", $sformatf( "Cannot create an instance of abstract class %s (with name %s and parent %s). Check for missing factory overrides for %s.", this.get_type_name(), name, parent.get_full_name(), this.get_type_name() ) ) return null; endfunction static function string type_name(); return common_type::type_name(); endfunction : type_name // Function -- NODOCS -- get_type_name // // Returns the value given by the string parameter, ~Tname~. This method // overrides the method in . virtual function string get_type_name(); common_type common = common_type::get(); return common.get_type_name(); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get // // Returns the singleton instance of this type. Type-based factory operation // depends on there being a single proxy instance for each registered type. static function this_type get(); static this_type m_inst; if (m_inst == null) m_inst = new(); return m_inst; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- create // // Returns an instance of the component type, ~T~, represented by this proxy, // subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the // ~parent~'s full name. The ~contxt~ argument, if supplied, supersedes the // ~parent~'s context. The new instance will have the given leaf ~name~ // and ~parent~. static function T create(string name, uvm_component parent, string contxt=""); return common_type::create( name, parent, contxt ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_type_override // // Configures the factory to create an object of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type, // ~T~, represented by this proxy, provided no instance override applies. The // original type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. static function void set_type_override (uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace=1); common_type::set_type_override( override_type, replace ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_inst_override // // Configures the factory to create a component of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type, // ~T~, represented by this proxy, with matching instance paths. The original // type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. // // If ~parent~ is not specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted as an absolute // instance path, which enables instance overrides to be set from outside // component classes. If ~parent~ is specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted // as being relative to the ~parent~'s hierarchical instance path, i.e. // ~{parent.get_full_name(),".",inst_path}~ is the instance path that is // registered with the override. The ~inst_path~ may contain wildcards for // matching against multiple contexts. static function void set_inst_override(uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string inst_path, uvm_component parent=null); common_type::set_inst_override( override_type, inst_path, parent ); endfunction // Function: set_type_alias // Sets a type alias for this wrapper in the default factory. // // If this wrapper is not yet registered with a factory (see ), // then the alias is deferred until registration occurs. // // @uvm-contrib This API is being considered for potential contribution to 1800.2 static function bit set_type_alias(string alias_name); common_type::set_type_alias( alias_name ); return 1; endfunction virtual function void initialize(); common_type common = common_type::get(); common.initialize(); endfunction endclass // Class: uvm_abstract_object_registry#(T,Tname) // Implementation of uvm_abstract_object_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section // of 1800.2-2020. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto class uvm_abstract_object_registry #(type T=uvm_object, string Tname="") extends uvm_object_wrapper; typedef uvm_abstract_object_registry #(T,Tname) this_type; typedef uvm_registry_common#( this_type, uvm_registry_object_creator, T, Tname ) common_type; // Function -- NODOCS -- create_object // // Creates an object of type ~T~ and returns it as a handle to a // . This is an override of the method in . // It is called by the factory after determining the type of object to create. // You should not call this method directly. Call instead. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function uvm_object create_object(string name=""); `uvm_error( "UVM/ABST_RGTRY/CREATE_ABSTRACT_OBJ", $sformatf( "Cannot create an instance of abstract class %s (with name %s). Check for missing factory overrides for %s.", this.get_type_name(), name, this.get_type_name() ) ) return null; endfunction static function string type_name(); return common_type::type_name(); endfunction : type_name // Function -- NODOCS -- get_type_name // // Returns the value given by the string parameter, ~Tname~. This method // overrides the method in . virtual function string get_type_name(); common_type common = common_type::get(); return common.get_type_name(); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get // // Returns the singleton instance of this type. Type-based factory operation // depends on there being a single proxy instance for each registered type. static function this_type get(); static this_type m_inst; if (m_inst == null) m_inst = new(); return m_inst; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- create // // Returns an instance of the object type, ~T~, represented by this proxy, // subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the // ~parent~'s full name. The ~contxt~ argument, if supplied, supersedes the // ~parent~'s context. The new instance will have the given leaf ~name~, // if provided. static function T create (string name="", uvm_component parent=null, string contxt=""); return common_type::create( name, parent, contxt ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_type_override // // Configures the factory to create an object of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type // represented by this proxy, provided no instance override applies. The // original type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. static function void set_type_override (uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace=1); common_type::set_type_override( override_type, replace ); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_inst_override // // Configures the factory to create an object of the type represented by // ~override_type~ whenever a request is made to create an object of the type // represented by this proxy, with matching instance paths. The original // type, ~T~, is typically a super class of the override type. // // If ~parent~ is not specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted as an absolute // instance path, which enables instance overrides to be set from outside // component classes. If ~parent~ is specified, ~inst_path~ is interpreted // as being relative to the ~parent~'s hierarchical instance path, i.e. // ~{parent.get_full_name(),".",inst_path}~ is the instance path that is // registered with the override. The ~inst_path~ may contain wildcards for // matching against multiple contexts. static function void set_inst_override(uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string inst_path, uvm_component parent=null); common_type::set_inst_override( override_type, inst_path, parent ); endfunction // Function: set_type_alias // Sets a type alias for this wrapper in the default factory. // // If this wrapper is not yet registered with a factory (see ), // then the alias is deferred until registration occurs. // // @uvm-contrib This API is being considered for potential contribution to 1800.2 static function bit set_type_alias(string alias_name); common_type::set_type_alias( alias_name ); return 1; endfunction virtual function void initialize(); common_type common = common_type::get(); common.initialize(); endfunction endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CLASS -- NODOCS -- uvm_registry_common #(T,Tname) // // This is a helper class which implements the functioanlity that is identical // between uvm_component_registry and uvm_abstract_component_registry. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class uvm_registry_common #( type Tregistry=int, type Tcreator=int, type Tcreated=int, string Tname="" ); typedef uvm_registry_common#(Tregistry,Tcreator,Tcreated,Tname) this_type; local static string m__type_aliases[$]; static function string type_name(); if((Tname == "") && (m__type_aliases.size() != 0)) begin return m__type_aliases[0]; end return Tname; endfunction : type_name virtual function string get_type_name(); return type_name(); endfunction static function this_type get(); static this_type m_inst; if (m_inst == null) m_inst = new(); return m_inst; endfunction : get static function Tcreated create(string name, uvm_component parent, string contxt); uvm_object obj; if (contxt == "" && parent != null) contxt = parent.get_full_name(); obj = Tcreator::create_by_type( Tregistry::get(), contxt, name, parent ); if (!$cast(create, obj)) begin string msg; msg = {"Factory did not return a ", Tcreator::base_type_name(), " of type '",Tregistry::type_name, "'. A component of type '",obj == null ? "null" : obj.get_type_name(), "' was returned instead. Name=",name," Parent=", parent==null?"null":parent.get_type_name()," contxt=",contxt}; uvm_report_fatal("FCTTYP", msg, UVM_NONE); end endfunction static function void set_type_override (uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace); uvm_factory factory=uvm_factory::get(); factory.set_type_override_by_type(Tregistry::get(),override_type,replace); endfunction static function void set_inst_override(uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string inst_path, uvm_component parent); string full_inst_path; uvm_factory factory=uvm_factory::get(); if (parent != null) begin if (inst_path == "") inst_path = parent.get_full_name(); else inst_path = {parent.get_full_name(),".",inst_path}; end factory.set_inst_override_by_type(Tregistry::get(),override_type,inst_path); endfunction static function void set_type_alias(string alias_name); m__type_aliases.push_back(alias_name); m__type_aliases.sort(); if (uvm_pkg::get_core_state() != UVM_CORE_UNINITIALIZED) begin uvm_factory factory = uvm_factory::get(); Tregistry rgtry = Tregistry::get(); if (factory.is_type_registered(rgtry)) begin factory.set_type_alias(alias_name,rgtry); end end endfunction static function bit __deferred_init(); Tregistry rgtry = Tregistry::get(); // If the core is uninitialized, we defer initialization if (uvm_pkg::get_core_state() == UVM_CORE_UNINITIALIZED) begin uvm_pkg::uvm_deferred_init.push_back(rgtry); end // If the core is initialized, then we're static racing, // initialize immediately else begin rgtry.initialize(); end return 1; endfunction local static bit m__initialized=__deferred_init(); virtual function void initialize(); uvm_factory factory =uvm_factory::get(); Tregistry rgtry = Tregistry::get(); factory.register(rgtry); // add aliases that were set before // the wrapper was registered with the factory foreach(m__type_aliases[i]) begin factory.set_type_alias(m__type_aliases[i],rgtry); end endfunction endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // The next two classes are helper classes passed as type parameters to // uvm_registry_common. They abstract away the function calls // uvm_factory::create_component_by_type and // uvm_factory::create_object_by_type. Choosing between the two is handled at // compile time.. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ virtual class uvm_registry_component_creator; static function uvm_component create_by_type( uvm_object_wrapper obj_wrpr, string contxt, string name, uvm_component parent ); uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); uvm_factory factory = cs.get_factory(); return factory.create_component_by_type( obj_wrpr, contxt, name, parent ); endfunction static function string base_type_name(); return "component"; endfunction endclass virtual class uvm_registry_object_creator; static function uvm_object create_by_type( uvm_object_wrapper obj_wrpr, string contxt, string name, uvm_object unused ); uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); uvm_factory factory = cs.get_factory(); unused = unused; // ... to keep linters happy. return factory.create_object_by_type( obj_wrpr, contxt, name ); endfunction static function string base_type_name(); return "object"; endfunction endclass // Group -- NODOCS -- Usage // // This section describes usage for the uvm_*_registry classes. // // The wrapper classes are used to register lightweight proxies of objects and // components. // // To register a particular component type, you need only typedef a // specialization of its proxy class, which is typically done inside the class. // // For example, to register a UVM component of type ~mycomp~ // //| class mycomp extends uvm_component; //| typedef uvm_component_registry #(mycomp,"mycomp") type_id; //| endclass // // However, because of differences between simulators, it is necessary to use a // macro to ensure vendor interoperability with factory registration. To // register a UVM component of type ~mycomp~ in a vendor-independent way, you // would write instead: // //| class mycomp extends uvm_component; //| `uvm_component_utils(mycomp) //| ... //| endclass // // The <`uvm_component_utils> macro is for non-parameterized classes. In this // example, the typedef underlying the macro specifies the ~Tname~ // parameter as "mycomp", and ~mycomp~'s get_type_name() is defined to return // the same. With ~Tname~ defined, you can use the factory's name-based methods to // set overrides and create objects and components of non-parameterized types. // // For parameterized types, the type name changes with each specialization, so // you cannot specify a ~Tname~ inside a parameterized class and get the behavior // you want; the same type name string would be registered for all // specializations of the class! (The factory would produce warnings for each // specialization beyond the first.) To avoid the warnings and simulator // interoperability issues with parameterized classes, you must register // parameterized classes with a different macro. // // For example, to register a UVM component of type driver #(T), you // would write: // //| class driver #(type T=int) extends uvm_component; //| `uvm_component_param_utils(driver #(T)) //| ... //| endclass // // The <`uvm_component_param_utils> and <`uvm_object_param_utils> macros are used // to register parameterized classes with the factory. Unlike the non-param // versions, these macros do not specify the ~Tname~ parameter in the underlying // uvm_component_registry typedef, and they do not define the get_type_name // method for the user class. Consequently, you will not be able to use the // factory's name-based methods for parameterized classes. // // The primary purpose for adding the factory's type-based methods was to // accommodate registration of parameterized types and eliminate the many sources // of errors associated with string-based factory usage. Thus, use of name-based // lookup in is no longer recommended. `endif // UVM_REGISTRY_SVH