//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2010-2011 AMD // Copyright 2015 Analog Devices, Inc. // Copyright 2010-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2017-2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2011-2012 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. // Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation // Copyright 2010-2018 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2013-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2010-2011 Paradigm Works // Copyright 2014 Semifore // Copyright 2010-2014 Synopsys, Inc. // Copyright 2017-2018 Verific // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class - get_t // // Instances of get_t are stored in the history list as a record of each // get. Failed gets are indicated with rsrc set to ~null~. This is part // of the audit trail facility for resources. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class get_t; string name; string scope; uvm_resource_base rsrc; time t; endclass typedef class uvm_tree_printer ; // Title: Resources //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class -- NODOCS -- uvm_resource_pool // // The global (singleton) resource database. // // Each resource is stored both by primary name and by type handle. The // resource pool contains two associative arrays, one with name as the // key and one with the type handle as the key. Each associative array // contains a queue of resources. Each resource has a regular // expression that represents the set of scopes over which it is visible. // //| +------+------------+ +------------+------+ //| | name | rsrc queue | | rsrc queue | type | //| +------+------------+ +------------+------+ //| | | | | | | //| +------+------------+ +-+-+ +------------+------+ //| | | | | | |<--+---* | T | //| +------+------------+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +------------+------+ //| | A | *---+-->| | | | | | | //| +------+------------+ +-+-+ | +------------+------+ //| | | | | | | | | //| +------+------------+ +-------+ +-+ +------------+------+ //| | | | | | | | | //| +------+------------+ | | +------------+------+ //| | | | V V | | | //| +------+------------+ +------+ +------------+------+ //| | | | | rsrc | | | | //| +------+------------+ +------+ +------------+------+ // // The above diagrams illustrates how a resource whose name is A and // type is T is stored in the pool. The pool contains an entry in the // type map for type T and an entry in the name map for name A. The // queues in each of the arrays each contain an entry for the resource A // whose type is T. The name map can contain in its queue other // resources whose name is A which may or may not have the same type as // our resource A. Similarly, the type map can contain in its queue // other resources whose type is T and whose name may or may not be A. // // Resources are added to the pool by calling ; they are retrieved // from the pool by calling or . When an object // creates a new resource and calls the resource is made available to be // retrieved by other objects outside of itself; an object gets a // resource when it wants to access a resource not currently available // in its scope. // // The scope is stored in the resource itself (not in the pool) so // whether you get by name or by type the resource's visibility is // the same. // // As an auditing capability, the pool contains a history of gets. A // record of each get, whether by or , is stored // in the audit record. Both successful and failed gets are recorded. At // the end of simulation, or any time for that matter, you can dump the // history list. This will tell which resources were successfully // located and which were not. You can use this information // to determine if there is some error in name, type, or // scope that has caused a resource to not be located or to be incorrectly // located (i.e. the wrong resource is located). // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C.2.4.1 class uvm_resource_pool; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rtab [string]; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t ttab [uvm_resource_base]; // struct for scope and precedence associated with each resource typedef struct { string scope ; int unsigned precedence; } rsrc_info_t ; // table to set/get scope and precedence for resources static rsrc_info_t ri_tab [uvm_resource_base]; get_t get_record [$]; // history of gets // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function new(); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get // // Returns the singleton handle to the resource pool // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. static function uvm_resource_pool get(); uvm_resource_pool t_rp; uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); t_rp = cs.get_resource_pool(); return t_rp; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- spell_check // // Invokes the spell checker for a string s. The universe of // correctly spelled strings -- i.e. the dictionary -- is the name // map. function bit spell_check(string s); return uvm_spell_chkr#(uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t)::check(rtab, s); endfunction //----------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Set //----------- // Function -- NODOCS -- set // // Add a new resource to the resource pool. The resource is inserted // into both the name map and type map so it can be located by // either. // // An object creates a resources and ~sets~ it into the resource pool. // Later, other objects that want to access the resource must ~get~ it // from the pool // // Overrides can be specified using this interface. Either a name // override, a type override or both can be specified. If an // override is specified then the resource is entered at the front of // the queue instead of at the back. It is not recommended that users // specify the override parameter directly, rather they use the // , , or // functions. // // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_scope (uvm_resource_base rsrc, string scope); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq; string name; uvm_resource_base type_handle; uvm_resource_base r; int unsigned i; // If resource handle is ~null~ then there is nothing to do. if(rsrc == null) begin uvm_report_warning("NULLRASRC", "attempting to set scope of a null resource"); return; end // Insert into the name map. Resources with empty names are // anonymous resources and are not entered into the name map name = rsrc.get_name(); if ((name != "") && rtab.exists(name)) begin rq = rtab[name]; for(i = 0; i < rq.size(); i++) begin r = rq.get(i); if(r == rsrc) begin ri_tab[rsrc].scope = uvm_glob_to_re(scope); return ; end end end if (rq == null) rq = new(name); // Insert the resource into the queue associated with its name. // Insert it with low priority (in the back of queue) . rq.push_back(rsrc); rtab[name] = rq; // Insert into the type map type_handle = rsrc.get_type_handle(); if(ttab.exists(type_handle)) rq = ttab[type_handle]; else rq = new(); // Insert the resource into the queue associated with its type. // Insert it with low priority (in the back of queue) . rq.push_back(rsrc); ttab[type_handle] = rq; // Set the scope of resource. ri_tab[rsrc].scope = uvm_glob_to_re(scope); ri_tab[rsrc].precedence = get_default_precedence(); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_override // // The resource provided as an argument will be entered into the pool // and will override both by name and type. // Default value to 'scope' argument is violating 1800.2-2020 LRM, but it // is added to make the routine backward compatible // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_override(uvm_resource_base rsrc, string scope = ""); string s = scope; set_scope(rsrc, s); set_priority(rsrc, uvm_resource_types::PRI_HIGH); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_name_override // // The resource provided as an argument will entered into the pool // using normal precedence in the type map and will override the name. // Default value to 'scope' argument is violating 1800.2-2020 LRM, but it // is added to make the routine backward compatible // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_name_override(uvm_resource_base rsrc, string scope = ""); string s = scope; set_scope(rsrc, s); set_priority_name(rsrc, uvm_resource_types::PRI_HIGH); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_type_override // // The resource provided as an argument will be entered into the pool // using normal precedence in the name map and will override the type. // Default value to 'scope' argument is violating 1800.2-2020 LRM, but it // is added to make the routine backward compatible // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_type_override(uvm_resource_base rsrc, string scope = ""); string s = scope; set_scope(rsrc, s); set_priority_type(rsrc, uvm_resource_types::PRI_HIGH); endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. virtual function bit get_scope(uvm_resource_base rsrc, output string scope); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq; string name; uvm_resource_base r; int unsigned i; // If resource handle is ~null~ then there is nothing to do. if(rsrc == null) return 0; // Search the resouce in the name map. Resources with empty names are // anonymous resources and are not entered into the name map name = rsrc.get_name(); if((name != "") && rtab.exists(name)) begin rq = rtab[name]; for(i = 0; i < rq.size(); i++) begin r = rq.get(i); if(r == rsrc) begin // Resource is in pool, set the scope scope = ri_tab[rsrc].scope; return 1; end end end // Resource is not in pool scope = ""; return 0; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- delete // // If rsrc exists within the pool, then it is removed from all internal maps. If the rsrc is null, or does not exist // within the pool, then the request is silently ignored. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. virtual function void delete ( uvm_resource_base rsrc ); string name; uvm_resource_base type_handle; if (rsrc != null) begin name = rsrc.get_name(); if(name != "") begin if(rtab.exists(name)) rtab.delete(name); end type_handle = rsrc.get_type_handle(); if(ttab.exists(type_handle)) begin int q_size = ttab[type_handle].size(); if (q_size == 1) ttab.delete(type_handle); else begin int i; for (i=0; i and locate the set of resources that // matches the name or type (respectively) and is visible in the // current scope. These functions return a queue of resources. // // traverse a queue of resources and // returns the one with the highest precedence -- i.e. the one whose // precedence member has the highest value. // // and use and // (respectively) and to find the resource with // the highest priority that matches the other search criteria. // Function -- NODOCS -- lookup_name // // Lookup resources by ~name~. Returns a queue of resources that // match the ~name~, ~scope~, and ~type_handle~. If no resources // match the queue is returned empty. If ~rpterr~ is set then a // warning is issued if no matches are found, and the spell checker is // invoked on ~name~. If ~type_handle~ is ~null~ then a type check is // not made and resources are returned that match only ~name~ and // ~scope~. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_name(string scope = "", string name, uvm_resource_base type_handle = null, bit rpterr = 1); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q; uvm_resource_base rsrc; uvm_resource_base r; string rsrcs; // ensure rand stability during lookup begin process p = process::self(); string s; if(p!=null) s=p.get_randstate(); q=new(); if(p!=null) p.set_randstate(s); end // resources with empty names are anonymous and do not exist in the name map if(name == "") return q; // Does an entry in the name map exist with the specified name? // If not, then we're done if(!rtab.exists(name)) begin if(rpterr) void'(spell_check(name)); return q; end rsrc = null; rq = rtab[name]; for(int i=0; i prec) begin rsrc = r; prec = c_prec; end end return rsrc; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- sort_by_precedence // // Given a list of resources, obtained for example from , // sort the resources in precedence order. The highest precedence // resource will be first in the list and the lowest precedence will // be last. Resources that have the same precedence and the same name // will be ordered by most recently set first. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. static function void sort_by_precedence(ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t all[int]; uvm_resource_base r; int unsigned prec; for(int i=0; i", scope, null); return null; end rsrc = q.get(0); push_get_record("", scope, rsrc); return rsrc; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- lookup_regex_names // // This utility function answers the question, for a given ~name~, // ~scope~, and ~type_handle~, what are all of the resources with requested name, // a matching scope (where the resource scope may be a // regular expression), and a matching type? // ~name~ and ~scope~ are explicit values. function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_regex_names(string scope, string name, uvm_resource_base type_handle = null); return lookup_name(scope, name, type_handle, 0); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- lookup_regex // // Looks for all the resources whose name matches the regular // expression argument and whose scope matches the current scope. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_regex(string re, scope); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t result_q; int unsigned i; uvm_resource_base r; string s; result_q = new(); foreach (rtab[name]) begin if ( ! uvm_is_match(re, name) ) continue; rq = rtab[name]; for(i = 0; i < rq.size(); i++) begin r = rq.get(i); if(ri_tab.exists(r) && uvm_is_match(ri_tab[r].scope, scope)) result_q.push_back(r); end end return result_q; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- lookup_scope // // This is a utility function that answers the question: For a given // ~scope~, what resources are visible to it? Locate all the resources // that are visible to a particular scope. This operation could be // quite expensive, as it has to traverse all of the resources in the // database. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_scope(string scope); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq; uvm_resource_base r; int unsigned i; int unsigned err; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q = new(); //iterate in reverse order for the special case of autoconfig //of arrays. The array name with no [] needs to be higher priority. //This has no effect an manual accesses. string name; if(rtab.last(name)) begin do begin rq = rtab[name]; for(int i = 0; i < rq.size(); ++i) begin r = rq.get(i); if(ri_tab.exists(r) && uvm_is_match(ri_tab[r].scope, scope)) begin q.push_back(r); end end end while(rtab.prev(name)); end return q; endfunction //-------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Set Priority //-------------------- // // Functions for altering the search priority of resources. Resources // are stored in queues in the type and name maps. When retrieving // resources, either by type or by name, the resource queue is search // from front to back. The first one that matches the search criteria // is the one that is returned. The ~set_priority~ functions let you // change the order in which resources are searched. For any // particular resource, you can set its priority to UVM_HIGH, in which // case the resource is moved to the front of the queue, or to UVM_LOW in // which case the resource is moved to the back of the queue. // function- set_priority_queue // // This function handles the mechanics of moving a resource to either // the front or back of the queue. local function void set_priority_queue(uvm_resource_base rsrc, ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri); uvm_resource_base r; int unsigned i; string msg; string name = rsrc.get_name(); for(i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) begin r = q.get(i); if(r == rsrc) break; end if(r != rsrc) begin $sformat(msg, "Handle for resource named %s is not in the name name; cannot change its priority", name); uvm_report_error("NORSRC", msg); return; end q.delete(i); case(pri) uvm_resource_types::PRI_HIGH: q.push_front(rsrc); uvm_resource_types::PRI_LOW: q.push_back(rsrc); endcase endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_priority_type // // Change the priority of the ~rsrc~ based on the value of ~pri~, the // priority enum argument. This function changes the priority only in // the type map, leaving the name map untouched. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_priority_type(uvm_resource_base rsrc, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri); uvm_resource_base type_handle; string msg; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q; if(rsrc == null) begin uvm_report_warning("NULLRASRC", "attempting to change the serach priority of a null resource"); return; end type_handle = rsrc.get_type_handle(); if(!ttab.exists(type_handle)) begin $sformat(msg, "Type handle for resrouce named %s not found in type map; cannot change its search priority", rsrc.get_name()); uvm_report_error("RNFTYPE", msg); return; end q = ttab[type_handle]; set_priority_queue(rsrc, q, pri); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_priority_name // // Change the priority of the ~rsrc~ based on the value of ~pri~, the // priority enum argument. This function changes the priority only in // the name map, leaving the type map untouched. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_priority_name(uvm_resource_base rsrc, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri); string name; string msg; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q; if(rsrc == null) begin uvm_report_warning("NULLRASRC", "attempting to change the serach priority of a null resource"); return; end name = rsrc.get_name(); if(!rtab.exists(name)) begin $sformat(msg, "Resrouce named %s not found in name map; cannot change its search priority", name); uvm_report_error("RNFNAME", msg); return; end q = rtab[name]; set_priority_queue(rsrc, q, pri); endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- set_priority // // Change the search priority of the ~rsrc~ based on the value of ~pri~, // the priority enum argument. This function changes the priority in // both the name and type maps. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void set_priority (uvm_resource_base rsrc, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri); set_priority_type(rsrc, pri); set_priority_name(rsrc, pri); endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. static function void set_default_precedence( int unsigned precedence); uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); cs.set_resource_pool_default_precedence(precedence); endfunction static function int unsigned get_default_precedence(); uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); return cs.get_resource_pool_default_precedence(); endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. virtual function void set_precedence(uvm_resource_base r, int unsigned p=uvm_resource_pool::get_default_precedence()); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q; string name; int unsigned i; uvm_resource_base rsrc; if(r == null) begin uvm_report_warning("NULLRASRC", "attempting to set precedence of a null resource"); return; end name = r.get_name(); if(rtab.exists(name)) begin q = rtab[name]; for(i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) begin rsrc = q.get(i); if(rsrc == r) break; end end if(r != rsrc) begin uvm_report_warning("NORSRC", $sformatf("resource named %s is not placed within the pool", name)); return; end ri_tab[r].precedence = p; endfunction virtual function int unsigned get_precedence(uvm_resource_base r); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q; string name; int unsigned i; uvm_resource_base rsrc; if(r == null) begin uvm_report_warning("NULLRASRC", "attempting to get precedence of a null resource"); return uvm_resource_pool::get_default_precedence(); end name = r.get_name(); if(rtab.exists(name)) begin q = rtab[name]; for(i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) begin rsrc = q.get(i); if(rsrc == r) break; end end if(r != rsrc) begin uvm_report_warning("NORSRC", $sformatf("resource named %s is not placed within the pool", name)); return uvm_resource_pool::get_default_precedence(); end return ri_tab[r].precedence; endfunction //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Debug //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prints resouce queue into ~printer~, non-LRM function void m_print_resources(uvm_printer printer, uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq, bit audit = 0); printer.push_element(rq.get_name(), "uvm_queue#(uvm_resource_base)", $sformatf("%0d",rq.size()), uvm_object_value_str(rq)); for(int i=0; i"); else m_print_resources(printer, rq, audit); `uvm_info("UVM/RESOURCE_POOL/PRINT_QUEUE", printer.emit(), UVM_NONE) endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- dump // // dump the entire resource pool. The resource pool is traversed and // each resource is printed. The utility function print_resources() // is used to initiate the printing. If the ~audit~ bit is set then // the audit trail is dumped for each resource. function void dump(bit audit = 0, uvm_printer printer = null); string name; static uvm_tree_printer m_printer; if (m_printer == null) begin m_printer = new(); m_printer.set_type_name_enabled(1); end if (printer == null) printer = m_printer; printer.flush(); printer.push_element("uvm_resource_pool", "", $sformatf("%0d",rtab.size()), ""); foreach (rtab[name]) begin m_print_resources(printer, rtab[name], audit); end printer.pop_element(); `uvm_info("UVM/RESOURCE/DUMP", printer.emit(), UVM_NONE) endfunction endclass //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: uvm_resource #(T) // Implementation of uvm_resource#(T) as defined in section C.2.5.1 of // 1800.2-2020. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C.2.5.1 class uvm_resource #(type T=int) extends uvm_resource_base; typedef uvm_resource#(T) this_type; // singleton handle that represents the type of this resource static this_type my_type = get_type(); // Can't be rand since things like rand strings are not legal. protected T val; // Because of uvm_resource#(T)::get_type, we can't use // the macros. We need to do it all manually. typedef uvm_object_registry#(this_type) type_id; virtual function uvm_object_wrapper get_object_type(); return type_id::get(); endfunction : get_object_type virtual function uvm_object create (string name=""); this_type tmp; if (name=="") tmp = new(); else tmp = new(name); return tmp; endfunction : create `uvm_type_name_decl($sformatf("uvm_resource#(%s)", `uvm_typename(T))) // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C.2.5.2 function new(string name=""); super.new(name); endfunction virtual function string m_value_type_name(); return `uvm_typename(T); endfunction : m_value_type_name virtual function string m_value_as_string(); return $sformatf("%0p", val); endfunction : m_value_as_string //---------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Type Interface //---------------------- // // Resources can be identified by type using a static type handle. // The parent class provides the virtual function interface // . Here we implement it by returning the static type // handle. // Function -- NODOCS -- get_type // // Static function that returns the static type handle. The return // type is this_type, which is the type of the parameterized class. static function this_type get_type(); if(my_type == null) my_type = new(); return my_type; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get_type_handle // // Returns the static type handle of this resource in a polymorphic // fashion. The return type of get_type_handle() is // uvm_resource_base. This function is not static and therefore can // only be used by instances of a parameterized resource. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function uvm_resource_base get_type_handle(); return get_type(); endfunction //---------------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Read/Write Interface //---------------------------- // // and provide a type-safe interface for getting and // setting the object in the resource container. The interface is // type safe because the value argument for and the return // value of are T, the type supplied in the class parameter. // If either of these functions is used in an incorrect type context // the compiler will complain. // Function: read // //| function T read(uvm_object accessor = null); // // This function is the implementation of the uvm_resource#(T)::read // method detailed in IEEE1800.2-2020 section C. // // It calls uvm_resource_base::record_read_access before returning the value. // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function T read(uvm_object accessor = null); record_read_access(accessor); return val; endfunction // Function: write // //| function void write(T t, uvm_object accessor = null); // // This function is the implementation of the uvm_resource#(T)::write // method detailed in IEEE1800.2-2020 section C. // // It calls uvm_resource_base::record_write_access before writing the value. // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto C. function void write(T t, uvm_object accessor = null); if(is_read_only()) begin uvm_report_error("resource", $sformatf("resource %s is read only -- cannot modify", get_name())); return; end // Set the modified bit and record the transaction only if the value // has actually changed. if(val == t) return; record_write_access(accessor); // set the value and set the dirty bit val = t; modified = 1; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- get_highest_precedence // // In a queue of resources, locate the first one with the highest // precedence whose type is T. This function is static so that it can // be called from anywhere. static function this_type get_highest_precedence(ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q); this_type rsrc; this_type r; uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t tq; uvm_resource_base rb; uvm_resource_pool rp = uvm_resource_pool::get(); if(q.size() == 0) return null; tq = new(); rsrc = null; for(int i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i) begin if($cast(r, q.get(i))) begin tq.push_back(r) ; end end rb = rp.get_highest_precedence(tq); if (!$cast(rsrc, rb)) return null; return rsrc; endfunction endclass