// // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2010 AMD // Copyright 2012 Accellera Systems Initiative // Copyright 2010-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation // Copyright 2020 Marvell International Ltd. // Copyright 2010-2020 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2014-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2011-2020 Semifore // Copyright 2004-2018 Synopsys, Inc. // Copyright 2020 Verific // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // ------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef class uvm_reg_cbs; typedef class uvm_reg_frontdoor; // Class: uvm_reg // This is an implementation of uvm_reg as described in 1800.2 with // the addition of API described below. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto 18.4.1 class uvm_reg extends uvm_object; local bit m_locked; local uvm_reg_block m_parent; local uvm_reg_file m_regfile_parent; local int unsigned m_n_bits; local int unsigned m_n_used_bits; protected bit m_maps[uvm_reg_map]; protected uvm_reg_field m_fields[$]; // Fields in LSB to MSB order local int m_has_cover; local int m_cover_on; local semaphore m_atomic; local process m_process; local string m_fname; local int m_lineno; local bit m_read_in_progress; local bit m_write_in_progress; protected bit m_update_in_progress; /*local*/ bit m_is_busy; /*local*/ bit m_is_locked_by_field; local uvm_reg_backdoor m_backdoor; local static int unsigned m_max_size; local uvm_object_string_pool #(uvm_queue #(uvm_hdl_path_concat)) m_hdl_paths_pool; //---------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Initialization //---------------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function new (string name="", int unsigned n_bits, int has_coverage); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void configure (uvm_reg_block blk_parent, uvm_reg_file regfile_parent = null, string hdl_path = ""); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void set_offset (uvm_reg_map map, uvm_reg_addr_t offset, bit unmapped = 0); /*local*/ extern virtual function void set_parent (uvm_reg_block blk_parent, uvm_reg_file regfile_parent); /*local*/ extern virtual function void add_field (uvm_reg_field field); /*local*/ extern virtual function void add_map (uvm_reg_map map); /*local*/ extern function void Xlock_modelX; // remove the knowledge that the register resides in the map from the register instance // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void unregister(uvm_reg_map map); m_maps.delete(map); endfunction //--------------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Introspection //--------------------- // Function -- NODOCS -- get_name // // Get the simple name // // Return the simple object name of this register. // // Function -- NODOCS -- get_full_name // // Get the hierarchical name // // Return the hierarchal name of this register. // The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. // extern virtual function string get_full_name(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent (); extern virtual function uvm_reg_block get_block (); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_file get_regfile (); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function int get_n_maps (); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function bit is_in_map (uvm_reg_map map); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void get_maps (ref uvm_reg_map maps[$]); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_map get_local_map (uvm_reg_map map); // Function: get_default_map // // Returns default map for the register as follows: // // If the register is not associated with any map - returns null // Else If the register is associated with only one map - return a handle to that map // Else try to find the first default map in its parent blocks and return its handle // If there are no default maps in the registers parent blocks return a handle to the first map in its map array // extern virtual function uvm_reg_map get_default_map (); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function string get_rights (uvm_reg_map map = null); // Function -- NODOCS -- get_n_bits // // Returns the width, in bits, of this register. // extern virtual function int unsigned get_n_bits (); // Function -- NODOCS -- get_n_bytes // // Returns the width, in bytes, of this register. Rounds up to // next whole byte if register is not a multiple of 8. // extern virtual function int unsigned get_n_bytes(); // Function -- NODOCS -- get_max_size // // Returns the maximum width, in bits, of all registers. // extern static function int unsigned get_max_size(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void get_fields (ref uvm_reg_field fields[$]); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_field get_field_by_name(string name); /*local*/ extern function string Xget_fields_accessX(uvm_reg_map map); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_offset (uvm_reg_map map = null); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_address (uvm_reg_map map = null); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function int get_addresses (uvm_reg_map map = null, ref uvm_reg_addr_t addr[]); //-------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Access //-------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void set (uvm_reg_data_t value, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get(string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_mirrored_value(string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit needs_update(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void reset(string kind = "HARD"); // Function -- NODOCS -- get_reset // // Get the specified reset value for this register // // Return the reset value for this register // for the specified reset ~kind~. // extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto get_reset(string kind = "HARD"); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit has_reset(string kind = "HARD", bit delete = 0); // Function -- NODOCS -- set_reset // // Specify or modify the reset value for this register // // Specify or modify the reset value for all the fields in the register // corresponding to the cause specified by ~kind~. // extern virtual function void // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto set_reset(uvm_reg_data_t value, string kind = "HARD"); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task write(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_reg_data_t value, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task read(output uvm_status_e status, output uvm_reg_data_t value, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task poke(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_reg_data_t value, input string kind = "", input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task peek(output uvm_status_e status, output uvm_reg_data_t value, input string kind = "", input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task update(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task mirror(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_check_e check = UVM_NO_CHECK, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit predict (uvm_reg_data_t value, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_door_e path = UVM_FRONTDOOR, uvm_reg_map map = null, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function bit is_busy(); /*local*/ extern function void Xset_busyX(bit busy); /*local*/ extern task XreadX (output uvm_status_e status, output uvm_reg_data_t value, input uvm_door_e path, input uvm_reg_map map, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); /*local*/ extern task XatomicX(bit on); /*local*/ extern virtual function bit Xcheck_accessX (input uvm_reg_item rw, output uvm_reg_map_info map_info); /*local*/ extern function bit Xis_locked_by_fieldX(); extern virtual function bit do_check(uvm_reg_data_t expected, uvm_reg_data_t actual, uvm_reg_map map); extern virtual task do_write(uvm_reg_item rw); extern virtual task do_read(uvm_reg_item rw); extern virtual function void do_predict (uvm_reg_item rw, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1); //----------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Frontdoor //----------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void set_frontdoor(uvm_reg_frontdoor ftdr, uvm_reg_map map = null, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function uvm_reg_frontdoor get_frontdoor(uvm_reg_map map = null); //---------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Backdoor //---------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void set_backdoor(uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function uvm_reg_backdoor get_backdoor(bit inherited = 1); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void clear_hdl_path (string kind = "RTL"); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void add_hdl_path (uvm_hdl_path_slice slices[], string kind = "RTL"); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void add_hdl_path_slice(string name, int offset, int size, bit first = 0, string kind = "RTL"); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function bit has_hdl_path (string kind = ""); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void get_hdl_path (ref uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], input string kind = ""); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void get_hdl_path_kinds (ref string kinds[$]); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void get_full_hdl_path (ref uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], input string kind = "", input string separator = "."); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task backdoor_read(uvm_reg_item rw); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task backdoor_write(uvm_reg_item rw); extern virtual function uvm_status_e backdoor_read_func(uvm_reg_item rw); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual task backdoor_watch(); endtask //---------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Coverage //---------------- // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern static function void include_coverage(string scope, uvm_reg_cvr_t models, uvm_object accessor = null); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern protected function uvm_reg_cvr_t build_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t models); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual protected function void add_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t models); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit has_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t models); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_reg_cvr_t set_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit get_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto protected virtual function void sample(uvm_reg_data_t data, uvm_reg_data_t byte_en, bit is_read, uvm_reg_map map); endfunction // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void sample_values(); endfunction /*local*/ function void XsampleX(uvm_reg_data_t data, uvm_reg_data_t byte_en, bit is_read, uvm_reg_map map); sample(data, byte_en, is_read, map); endfunction //----------------- // Group -- NODOCS -- Callbacks //----------------- `uvm_register_cb(uvm_reg, uvm_reg_cbs) // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual task pre_write(uvm_reg_item rw); endtask // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual task post_write(uvm_reg_item rw); endtask // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual task pre_read(uvm_reg_item rw); endtask // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual task post_read(uvm_reg_item rw); endtask extern virtual function void do_print (uvm_printer printer); extern virtual function string convert2string(); extern virtual function uvm_object clone (); extern virtual function void do_copy (uvm_object rhs); extern virtual function bit do_compare (uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer); extern virtual function void do_pack (uvm_packer packer); extern virtual function void do_unpack (uvm_packer packer); endclass: uvm_reg //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IMPLEMENTATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // new function uvm_reg::new(string name="", int unsigned n_bits, int has_coverage); super.new(name); if (n_bits == 0) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("Register \"%s\" cannot have 0 bits", get_name())) n_bits = 1; end m_n_bits = n_bits; m_has_cover = has_coverage; m_atomic = new(1); m_n_used_bits = 0; m_locked = 0; m_is_busy = 0; m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b0; m_hdl_paths_pool = new("hdl_paths"); if (n_bits > m_max_size) m_max_size = n_bits; endfunction: new // configure function void uvm_reg::configure (uvm_reg_block blk_parent, uvm_reg_file regfile_parent=null, string hdl_path = ""); if (blk_parent == null) begin `uvm_error("UVM/REG/CFG/NOBLK", {"uvm_reg::configure() called without a parent block for instance \"", get_name(), "\" of register type \"", get_type_name(), "\"."}) return; end m_parent = blk_parent; m_parent.add_reg(this); m_regfile_parent = regfile_parent; if (hdl_path != "") add_hdl_path_slice(hdl_path, -1, -1); endfunction: configure // add_field function void uvm_reg::add_field(uvm_reg_field field); int offset; int idx; if (m_locked) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", "Cannot add field to locked register model") return; end if (field == null) `uvm_fatal("RegModel", "Attempting to register NULL field") // Store fields in LSB to MSB order offset = field.get_lsb_pos(); idx = -1; foreach (m_fields[i]) begin if (offset < m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos()) begin int j = i; m_fields.insert(j, field); idx = i; break; end end if (idx < 0) begin m_fields.push_back(field); idx = m_fields.size()-1; m_n_used_bits = offset + field.get_n_bits(); end // Check if there are too many fields in the register if (m_n_used_bits > m_n_bits) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("Fields use more bits (%0d) than available in register \"%s\" (%0d)", m_n_used_bits, get_name(), m_n_bits)) end // Check if there are overlapping fields if (idx > 0) begin if (m_fields[idx-1].get_lsb_pos() + m_fields[idx-1].get_n_bits() > offset) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("Field %s overlaps field %s in register \"%s\"", m_fields[idx-1].get_name(), field.get_name(), get_name())) end end if (idx < m_fields.size()-1) begin if (offset + field.get_n_bits() > m_fields[idx+1].get_lsb_pos()) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("Field %s overlaps field %s in register \"%s\"", field.get_name(), m_fields[idx+1].get_name(), get_name())) end end endfunction: add_field // Xlock_modelX function void uvm_reg::Xlock_modelX(); if (m_locked) return; m_locked = 1; endfunction //---------------------- // Group- User Frontdoor //---------------------- // set_frontdoor function void uvm_reg::set_frontdoor(uvm_reg_frontdoor ftdr, uvm_reg_map map = null, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); uvm_reg_map_info map_info; ftdr.fname = m_fname; ftdr.lineno = m_lineno; map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return; map_info = map.get_reg_map_info(this); if (map_info == null) map.add_reg(this, -1, "RW", 1, ftdr); else begin map_info.frontdoor = ftdr; end endfunction: set_frontdoor // get_frontdoor function uvm_reg_frontdoor uvm_reg::get_frontdoor(uvm_reg_map map = null); uvm_reg_map_info map_info; map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return null; map_info = map.get_reg_map_info(this); return map_info.frontdoor; endfunction: get_frontdoor // set_backdoor function void uvm_reg::set_backdoor(uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); bkdr.fname = fname; bkdr.lineno = lineno; if (m_backdoor != null && m_backdoor.has_update_threads()) begin `uvm_warning("RegModel", "Previous register backdoor still has update threads running. Backdoors with active mirroring should only be set before simulation starts.") end m_backdoor = bkdr; endfunction: set_backdoor // get_backdoor function uvm_reg_backdoor uvm_reg::get_backdoor(bit inherited = 1); if (m_backdoor == null && inherited) begin uvm_reg_block blk = get_parent(); uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr; while (blk != null) begin bkdr = blk.get_backdoor(); if (bkdr != null) begin m_backdoor = bkdr; break; end blk = blk.get_parent(); end end return m_backdoor; endfunction: get_backdoor // clear_hdl_path function void uvm_reg::clear_hdl_path(string kind = "RTL"); if (kind == "ALL") begin m_hdl_paths_pool = new("hdl_paths"); return; end if (kind == "") begin if (m_regfile_parent != null) kind = m_regfile_parent.get_default_hdl_path(); else kind = m_parent.get_default_hdl_path(); end if (!m_hdl_paths_pool.exists(kind)) begin `uvm_warning("RegModel",{"Unknown HDL Abstraction '",kind,"'"}) return; end m_hdl_paths_pool.delete(kind); endfunction // add_hdl_path function void uvm_reg::add_hdl_path(uvm_hdl_path_slice slices[], string kind = "RTL"); uvm_queue #(uvm_hdl_path_concat) paths = m_hdl_paths_pool.get(kind); uvm_hdl_path_concat concat = new(); concat.set(slices); paths.push_back(concat); endfunction // add_hdl_path_slice function void uvm_reg::add_hdl_path_slice(string name, int offset, int size, bit first = 0, string kind = "RTL"); uvm_queue #(uvm_hdl_path_concat) paths = m_hdl_paths_pool.get(kind); uvm_hdl_path_concat concat; if (first || paths.size() == 0) begin concat = new(); paths.push_back(concat); end else concat = paths.get(paths.size()-1); concat.add_path(name, offset, size); endfunction // has_hdl_path function bit uvm_reg::has_hdl_path(string kind = ""); if (kind == "") begin if (m_regfile_parent != null) kind = m_regfile_parent.get_default_hdl_path(); else kind = m_parent.get_default_hdl_path(); end return m_hdl_paths_pool.exists(kind); endfunction // get_hdl_path_kinds function void uvm_reg::get_hdl_path_kinds (ref string kinds[$]); string kind; kinds.delete(); if (!m_hdl_paths_pool.first(kind)) return; do kinds.push_back(kind); while (m_hdl_paths_pool.next(kind)); endfunction // get_hdl_path function void uvm_reg::get_hdl_path(ref uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], input string kind = ""); uvm_queue #(uvm_hdl_path_concat) hdl_paths; if (kind == "") begin if (m_regfile_parent != null) kind = m_regfile_parent.get_default_hdl_path(); else kind = m_parent.get_default_hdl_path(); end if (!has_hdl_path(kind)) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", {"Register does not have hdl path defined for abstraction '",kind,"'"}) return; end hdl_paths = m_hdl_paths_pool.get(kind); for (int i=0; i 1 && map == null) begin `uvm_error("RegModel",{"set_offset requires a non-null map when register '", get_full_name(),"' belongs to more than one map."}) return; end map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return; map.m_set_reg_offset(this, offset, unmapped); endfunction // set_parent function void uvm_reg::set_parent(uvm_reg_block blk_parent, uvm_reg_file regfile_parent); if (m_parent != null) begin // ToDo: remove register from previous parent end m_parent = blk_parent; m_regfile_parent = regfile_parent; endfunction // get_parent function uvm_reg_block uvm_reg::get_parent(); return get_block(); endfunction // get_regfile function uvm_reg_file uvm_reg::get_regfile(); return m_regfile_parent; endfunction // get_full_name function string uvm_reg::get_full_name(); if (m_regfile_parent != null) return {m_regfile_parent.get_full_name(), ".", get_name()}; if (m_parent != null) return {m_parent.get_full_name(), ".", get_name()}; return get_name(); endfunction: get_full_name // add_map function void uvm_reg::add_map(uvm_reg_map map); m_maps[map] = 1; endfunction // get_maps function void uvm_reg::get_maps(ref uvm_reg_map maps[$]); foreach (m_maps[map]) maps.push_back(map); endfunction // get_n_maps function int uvm_reg::get_n_maps(); return m_maps.num(); endfunction // is_in_map function bit uvm_reg::is_in_map(uvm_reg_map map); if (m_maps.exists(map)) return 1; foreach (m_maps[l]) begin uvm_reg_map local_map = l; uvm_reg_map parent_map = local_map.get_parent_map(); while (parent_map != null) begin if (parent_map == map) return 1; parent_map = parent_map.get_parent_map(); end end return 0; endfunction // get_local_map function uvm_reg_map uvm_reg::get_local_map(uvm_reg_map map); if (map == null) return get_default_map(); if (m_maps.exists(map)) return map; foreach (m_maps[l]) begin uvm_reg_map local_map=l; uvm_reg_map parent_map = local_map.get_parent_map(); while (parent_map != null) begin if (parent_map == map) return local_map; parent_map = parent_map.get_parent_map(); end end `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Register '",get_full_name(),"' is not contained within map '",map.get_full_name(),"'"}) return null; endfunction // get_default_map function uvm_reg_map uvm_reg::get_default_map(); // if reg is not associated with any map, return ~null~ if (m_maps.num() == 0) begin `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Register '",get_full_name(),"' is not registered with any map"}) return null; end // if only one map, choose that if (m_maps.num() == 1) begin uvm_reg_map map; void'(m_maps.first(map)); return map; end // try to choose one based on default_map in parent blocks. foreach (m_maps[l]) begin uvm_reg_map map = l; uvm_reg_block blk = map.get_parent(); uvm_reg_map default_map = blk.get_default_map(); if (default_map != null) begin uvm_reg_map local_map = get_local_map(default_map); if (local_map != null) return local_map; end end // if that fails, choose the first in this reg's maps begin uvm_reg_map map; void'(m_maps.first(map)); return map; end endfunction // get_rights function string uvm_reg::get_rights(uvm_reg_map map = null); uvm_reg_map_info info; map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return "RW"; info = map.get_reg_map_info(this); return info.rights; endfunction // get_block function uvm_reg_block uvm_reg::get_block(); get_block = m_parent; endfunction // get_offset function uvm_reg_addr_t uvm_reg::get_offset(uvm_reg_map map = null); uvm_reg_map_info map_info; uvm_reg_map orig_map = map; map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return -1; map_info = map.get_reg_map_info(this); if (map_info.unmapped) begin `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Register '",get_name(), "' is unmapped in map '", ((orig_map == null) ? map.get_full_name() : orig_map.get_full_name()),"'"}) return -1; end return map_info.offset; endfunction // get_addresses function int uvm_reg::get_addresses(uvm_reg_map map=null, ref uvm_reg_addr_t addr[]); uvm_reg_map_info map_info; uvm_reg_map orig_map = map; map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return -1; map_info = map.get_reg_map_info(this); if (map_info.unmapped) begin `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Register '",get_name(), "' is unmapped in map '", ((orig_map == null) ? map.get_full_name() : orig_map.get_full_name()),"'"}) return -1; end addr = map_info.addr; return map.get_n_bytes(); endfunction // get_address function uvm_reg_addr_t uvm_reg::get_address(uvm_reg_map map = null); uvm_reg_addr_t addr[]; void'(get_addresses(map,addr)); return addr[0]; endfunction // get_n_bits function int unsigned uvm_reg::get_n_bits(); return m_n_bits; endfunction // get_n_bytes function int unsigned uvm_reg::get_n_bytes(); return ((m_n_bits-1) / 8) + 1; endfunction // get_max_size function int unsigned uvm_reg::get_max_size(); return m_max_size; endfunction: get_max_size // get_fields function void uvm_reg::get_fields(ref uvm_reg_field fields[$]); foreach(m_fields[i]) fields.push_back(m_fields[i]); endfunction // get_field_by_name function uvm_reg_field uvm_reg::get_field_by_name(string name); foreach (m_fields[i]) if (m_fields[i].get_name() == name) return m_fields[i]; `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Unable to locate field '",name, "' in register '",get_name(),"'"}) return null; endfunction // Xget_field_accessX // // Returns "WO" if all of the fields in the registers are write-only // Returns "RO" if all of the fields in the registers are read-only // Returns "RW" otherwise. function string uvm_reg::Xget_fields_accessX(uvm_reg_map map); bit is_R; bit is_W; foreach(m_fields[i]) begin case (m_fields[i].get_access(map)) "RO", "RC", "RS": is_R = 1; "WO", "WOC", "WOS", "WO1": is_W = 1; default: return "RW"; endcase if (is_R && is_W) return "RW"; end case ({is_R, is_W}) 2'b01: return "WO"; 2'b10: return "RO"; endcase return "RW"; endfunction //--------- // COVERAGE //--------- // include_coverage function void uvm_reg::include_coverage(string scope, uvm_reg_cvr_t models, uvm_object accessor = null); uvm_reg_cvr_rsrc_db::set({"uvm_reg::", scope}, "include_coverage", models, accessor); endfunction // build_coverage function uvm_reg_cvr_t uvm_reg::build_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t models); build_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE; void'(uvm_reg_cvr_rsrc_db::read_by_name({"uvm_reg::", get_full_name()}, "include_coverage", build_coverage, this)); return build_coverage & models; endfunction: build_coverage // add_coverage function void uvm_reg::add_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t models); m_has_cover |= models; endfunction: add_coverage // has_coverage function bit uvm_reg::has_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t models); return ((m_has_cover & models) == models); endfunction: has_coverage // set_coverage function uvm_reg_cvr_t uvm_reg::set_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on); if (is_on == uvm_reg_cvr_t'(UVM_NO_COVERAGE)) begin m_cover_on = is_on; return m_cover_on; end m_cover_on = m_has_cover & is_on; return m_cover_on; endfunction: set_coverage // get_coverage function bit uvm_reg::get_coverage(uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on); if (has_coverage(is_on) == 0) return 0; return ((m_cover_on & is_on) == is_on); endfunction: get_coverage //--------- // ACCESS //--------- // set function void uvm_reg::set(uvm_reg_data_t value, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // Split the value into the individual fields m_fname = fname; m_lineno = lineno; foreach (m_fields[i]) m_fields[i].set((value >> m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos()) & ((1 << m_fields[i].get_n_bits()) - 1)); endfunction: set // predict function bit uvm_reg::predict (uvm_reg_data_t value, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_door_e path = UVM_FRONTDOOR, uvm_reg_map map = null, string fname = "", int lineno = 0); uvm_reg_item rw = new; rw.set_value(value,0); rw.set_door(path); rw.set_map(map); rw.set_fname(fname); rw.set_line(lineno); do_predict(rw, kind, be); predict = (rw.get_status() == UVM_NOT_OK) ? 0 : 1; endfunction: predict // do_predict function void uvm_reg::do_predict(uvm_reg_item rw, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1); uvm_reg_data_t reg_value = rw.get_value(0); m_fname = rw.get_fname(); m_lineno = rw.get_line(); if (rw.get_status() == UVM_IS_OK ) if (m_is_busy && kind == UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT) begin `uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Trying to predict value of register '", get_full_name(),"' while it is being accessed"}) rw.set_status(UVM_NOT_OK); return; end foreach (m_fields[i]) begin rw.set_value((reg_value >> m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos()) & ((1 << m_fields[i].get_n_bits())-1)); m_fields[i].do_predict(rw, kind, be>>(m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos()/8)); end rw.set_value(reg_value, 0); endfunction: do_predict // get function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg::get(string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // Concatenate the value of the individual fields // to form the register value m_fname = fname; m_lineno = lineno; get = 0; foreach (m_fields[i]) get |= m_fields[i].get() << m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(); endfunction: get // get_mirrored_value function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg::get_mirrored_value(string fname = "", int lineno = 0); // Concatenate the value of the individual fields // to form the register value m_fname = fname; m_lineno = lineno; get_mirrored_value = 0; foreach (m_fields[i]) get_mirrored_value |= m_fields[i].get_mirrored_value() << m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(); endfunction: get_mirrored_value // reset function void uvm_reg::reset(string kind = "HARD"); foreach (m_fields[i]) m_fields[i].reset(kind); // Put back a key in the semaphore if it is checked out // in case a thread was killed during an operation void'(m_atomic.try_get(1)); m_atomic.put(1); m_process = null; Xset_busyX(0); endfunction: reset // get_reset function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg::get_reset(string kind = "HARD"); // Concatenate the value of the individual fields // to form the register value get_reset = 0; foreach (m_fields[i]) get_reset |= m_fields[i].get_reset(kind) << m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(); endfunction: get_reset // has_reset function bit uvm_reg::has_reset(string kind = "HARD", bit delete = 0); has_reset = 0; foreach (m_fields[i]) begin has_reset |= m_fields[i].has_reset(kind, delete); if (!delete && has_reset) return 1; end endfunction: has_reset // set_reset function void uvm_reg::set_reset(uvm_reg_data_t value, string kind = "HARD"); foreach (m_fields[i]) begin m_fields[i].set_reset(value >> m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(), kind); end endfunction: set_reset //----------- // BUS ACCESS //----------- // needs_update function bit uvm_reg::needs_update(); needs_update = 0; foreach (m_fields[i]) begin if (m_fields[i].needs_update()) begin return 1; end end endfunction: needs_update // update task uvm_reg::update(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); uvm_reg_data_t upd; status = UVM_IS_OK; if (!needs_update()) return; // Concatenate the write-to-update values from each field // Fields are stored in LSB or MSB order upd = 0; foreach (m_fields[i]) upd |= m_fields[i].XupdateX() << m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(); write(status, upd, path, map, parent, prior, extension, fname, lineno); endtask: update // write task uvm_reg::write(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_reg_data_t value, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // create an abstract transaction for this operation uvm_reg_item rw; XatomicX(1); set(value); rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("write_item",,get_full_name()); rw.set_element(this); rw.set_element_kind(UVM_REG); rw.set_kind(UVM_WRITE); rw.set_value(value, 0); rw.set_door(path); rw.set_map(map); rw.set_parent_sequence(parent); rw.set_priority(prior); rw.set_extension(extension); rw.set_fname(fname); rw.set_line(lineno); do_write(rw); status = rw.get_status(); XatomicX(0); endtask // do_write task uvm_reg::do_write (uvm_reg_item rw); uvm_reg_cb_iter cbs = new(this); uvm_reg_map_info map_info; uvm_reg_data_t value; uvm_reg_map tmp_local_map; m_fname = rw.get_fname(); m_lineno = rw.get_line(); if (!Xcheck_accessX(rw,map_info)) return; XatomicX(1); m_write_in_progress = 1'b1; value = rw.get_value(0); value &= ((1 << m_n_bits)-1); rw.set_value(value, 0); rw.set_status(UVM_IS_OK); // PRE-WRITE CBS - FIELDS begin : pre_write_callbacks uvm_reg_data_t msk; int lsb; foreach (m_fields[i]) begin uvm_reg_field_cb_iter cbs = new(m_fields[i]); uvm_reg_field f = m_fields[i]; lsb = f.get_lsb_pos(); msk = ((1<> lsb), 0); f.pre_write(rw); for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; cb=cbs.next()) begin rw.set_element(f); rw.set_element_kind(UVM_FIELD); cb.pre_write(rw); end value = (value & ~msk) | (rw.get_value(0) << lsb); end end rw.set_element(this); rw.set_element_kind(UVM_REG); rw.set_value(value,0); // PRE-WRITE CBS - REG pre_write(rw); for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; cb=cbs.next()) cb.pre_write(rw); if (rw.get_status() != UVM_IS_OK) begin m_write_in_progress = 1'b0; XatomicX(0); return; end // EXECUTE WRITE... case (rw.get_door()) // ...VIA USER BACKDOOR UVM_BACKDOOR: begin uvm_reg_data_t final_val; uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr = get_backdoor(); if (rw.get_map() != null) rw.set_local_map(rw.get_map()); else rw.set_local_map(get_default_map()); value = rw.get_value(0); // Mimick the final value after a physical read rw.set_kind(UVM_READ); if (bkdr != null) bkdr.read(rw); else backdoor_read(rw); if (rw.get_status() == UVM_NOT_OK) begin m_write_in_progress = 1'b0; return; end begin foreach (m_fields[i]) begin uvm_reg_data_t field_val; int lsb = m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(); int sz = m_fields[i].get_n_bits(); field_val = m_fields[i].XpredictX((rw.get_value(0) >> lsb) & ((1<> lsb) & ((1<> f.get_lsb_pos()) & ((1<> f.get_lsb_pos()) & ((1<> hdl_concat.slices[j].offset; slice &= (1 << hdl_concat.slices[j].size)-1; ok &= uvm_hdl_deposit(hdl_concat.slices[j].path, slice); end end end rw.set_status(ok ? UVM_IS_OK : UVM_NOT_OK); endtask // backdoor_read task uvm_reg::backdoor_read (uvm_reg_item rw); rw.set_status(backdoor_read_func(rw)); endtask // backdoor_read_func function uvm_status_e uvm_reg::backdoor_read_func(uvm_reg_item rw); uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$]; uvm_reg_data_t val; bit ok=1; get_full_hdl_path(paths,rw.get_bd_kind()); foreach (paths[i]) begin uvm_hdl_path_concat hdl_concat = paths[i]; val = 0; foreach (hdl_concat.slices[j]) begin `uvm_info("RegMem", $sformatf("backdoor_read from %s ", hdl_concat.slices[j].path),UVM_DEBUG) if (hdl_concat.slices[j].offset < 0) begin ok &= uvm_hdl_read(hdl_concat.slices[j].path,val); continue; end begin uvm_reg_data_t slice; int k = hdl_concat.slices[j].offset; ok &= uvm_hdl_read(hdl_concat.slices[j].path, slice); repeat (hdl_concat.slices[j].size) begin val[k++] = slice[0]; slice >>= 1; end end end val &= (1 << m_n_bits)-1; if (i == 0) rw.set_value(val, 0); if (val != rw.get_value(0)) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("Backdoor read of register %s with multiple HDL copies: values are not the same: %0h at path '%s', and %0h at path '%s'. Returning first value.", get_full_name(), rw.get_value(0), uvm_hdl_concat2string(paths[0]), val, uvm_hdl_concat2string(paths[i]))) return UVM_NOT_OK; end `uvm_info("RegMem", $sformatf("returned backdoor value 0x%0x",rw.get_value(0)),UVM_DEBUG) end rw.set_status((ok) ? UVM_IS_OK : UVM_NOT_OK); return rw.get_status(); endfunction // poke task uvm_reg::poke(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_reg_data_t value, input string kind = "", input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr = get_backdoor(); uvm_reg_item rw; m_fname = fname; m_lineno = lineno; if (bkdr == null && !has_hdl_path(kind)) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", {"No backdoor access available to poke register '",get_full_name(),"'"}) status = UVM_NOT_OK; return; end if (!m_is_locked_by_field) XatomicX(1); // create an abstract transaction for this operation rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("reg_poke_item",,get_full_name()); rw.set_element(this); rw.set_door(UVM_BACKDOOR); rw.set_element_kind(UVM_REG); rw.set_kind(UVM_WRITE); rw.set_bd_kind(kind); rw.set_value((value & ((1 << m_n_bits)-1)),0); rw.set_parent_sequence(parent); rw.set_extension(extension); rw.set_fname(fname); rw.set_line(lineno); if (bkdr != null) bkdr.write(rw); else backdoor_write(rw); status = rw.get_status(); `uvm_info("RegModel", $sformatf("Poked register \"%s\": 'h%h", get_full_name(), value),UVM_HIGH) do_predict(rw, UVM_PREDICT_WRITE); if (!m_is_locked_by_field) XatomicX(0); endtask: poke // peek task uvm_reg::peek(output uvm_status_e status, output uvm_reg_data_t value, input string kind = "", input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr = get_backdoor(); uvm_reg_item rw; m_fname = fname; m_lineno = lineno; if (bkdr == null && !has_hdl_path(kind)) begin `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("No backdoor access available to peek register \"%s\"", get_full_name())) status = UVM_NOT_OK; return; end if(!m_is_locked_by_field) XatomicX(1); // create an abstract transaction for this operation rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("mem_peek_item",,get_full_name()); rw.set_element(this); rw.set_door(UVM_BACKDOOR); rw.set_element_kind(UVM_REG); rw.set_kind(UVM_READ); rw.set_bd_kind(kind); rw.set_parent_sequence(parent); rw.set_extension(extension); rw.set_fname(fname); rw.set_line(lineno); if (bkdr != null) bkdr.read(rw); else backdoor_read(rw); status = rw.get_status(); value = rw.get_value(0); `uvm_info("RegModel", $sformatf("Peeked register \"%s\": 'h%h", get_full_name(), value),UVM_HIGH) do_predict(rw, UVM_PREDICT_READ); if (!m_is_locked_by_field) XatomicX(0); endtask: peek // do_check function bit uvm_reg::do_check(input uvm_reg_data_t expected, input uvm_reg_data_t actual, uvm_reg_map map); uvm_reg_data_t valid_bits_mask = 0; // elements 1 indicating bit we care about foreach(m_fields[i]) begin string acc = m_fields[i].get_access(map); acc = acc.substr(0, 1); if (!(m_fields[i].get_compare() == UVM_NO_CHECK ||acc == "WO")) begin valid_bits_mask |= ((1 << m_fields[i].get_n_bits())-1)<< m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(); end end if ((actual&valid_bits_mask) === (expected&valid_bits_mask)) return 1; `uvm_error("RegModel", $sformatf("Register \"%s\" value read from DUT (0x%h) does not match mirrored value (0x%h) (valid bit mask = 0x%h)", get_full_name(), actual, expected,valid_bits_mask)) foreach(m_fields[i]) begin string acc = m_fields[i].get_access(map); acc = acc.substr(0, 1); if (!(m_fields[i].get_compare() == UVM_NO_CHECK || acc == "WO")) begin uvm_reg_data_t mask = ((1 << m_fields[i].get_n_bits())-1); uvm_reg_data_t val = actual >> m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos() & mask; uvm_reg_data_t exp = expected >> m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos() & mask; if (val !== exp) begin `uvm_info("RegModel", $sformatf("Field %s (%s[%0d:%0d]) mismatch read=%0d'h%0h mirrored=%0d'h%0h ", m_fields[i].get_name(), get_full_name(), m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos() + m_fields[i].get_n_bits() - 1, m_fields[i].get_lsb_pos(), m_fields[i].get_n_bits(), val, m_fields[i].get_n_bits(), exp), UVM_NONE) end end end return 0; endfunction // mirror task uvm_reg::mirror(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_check_e check = UVM_NO_CHECK, input uvm_door_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); uvm_reg_data_t v; uvm_reg_data_t exp; uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr = get_backdoor(); XatomicX(1); m_fname = fname; m_lineno = lineno; if (path == UVM_DEFAULT_DOOR) path = m_parent.get_default_door(); if (path == UVM_BACKDOOR && (bkdr != null || has_hdl_path())) begin map = get_default_map(); if (map == null) map = uvm_reg_map::backdoor(); end else map = get_local_map(map); if (map == null) return; // Remember what we think the value is before it gets updated if (check == UVM_CHECK) exp = get_mirrored_value(); XreadX(status, v, path, map, parent, prior, extension, fname, lineno); if (status == UVM_NOT_OK) begin XatomicX(0); return; end if (check == UVM_CHECK) void'(do_check(exp, v, map)); XatomicX(0); endtask: mirror // XatomicX task uvm_reg::XatomicX(bit on); process m_reg_process; m_reg_process=process::self(); if (on) begin if (m_reg_process == m_process) return; m_atomic.get(1); m_process = m_reg_process; end else begin // Maybe a key was put back in by a spurious call to reset() void'(m_atomic.try_get(1)); m_atomic.put(1); m_process = null; end endtask: XatomicX //------------- // STANDARD OPS //------------- // convert2string function string uvm_reg::convert2string(); string res_str; string t_str; bit with_debug_info; string prefix; $sformat(convert2string, "Register %s -- %0d bytes, mirror value:'h%h", get_full_name(), get_n_bytes(),get()); if (m_maps.num()==0) convert2string = {convert2string, " (unmapped)\n"}; else convert2string = {convert2string, "\n"}; foreach (m_maps[map]) begin uvm_reg_map parent_map = map; int unsigned offset; while (parent_map != null) begin uvm_reg_map this_map = parent_map; parent_map = this_map.get_parent_map(); offset = parent_map == null ? this_map.get_base_addr(UVM_NO_HIER) : parent_map.get_submap_offset(this_map); prefix = {prefix, " "}; begin uvm_endianness_e e = this_map.get_endian(); $sformat(convert2string, "%s%sMapped in '%s' -- %d bytes, %s, offset 'h%0h\n", convert2string, prefix, this_map.get_full_name(), this_map.get_n_bytes(), e.name(), offset); end end end prefix = " "; foreach(m_fields[i]) begin $sformat(convert2string, "%s\n%s", convert2string, m_fields[i].convert2string()); end if (m_read_in_progress == 1'b1) begin if (m_fname != "" && m_lineno != 0) $sformat(res_str, "%s:%0d ",m_fname, m_lineno); convert2string = {convert2string, "\n", res_str, "currently executing read method"}; end if ( m_write_in_progress == 1'b1) begin if (m_fname != "" && m_lineno != 0) $sformat(res_str, "%s:%0d ",m_fname, m_lineno); convert2string = {convert2string, "\n", res_str, "currently executing write method"}; end endfunction: convert2string // do_print function void uvm_reg::do_print (uvm_printer printer); uvm_reg_field f[$]; super.do_print(printer); get_fields(f); foreach(f[i]) printer.print_generic(f[i].get_name(),f[i].get_type_name(),-2,f[i].convert2string()); endfunction // clone function uvm_object uvm_reg::clone(); `uvm_fatal("RegModel","RegModel registers cannot be cloned") return null; endfunction // do_copy function void uvm_reg::do_copy(uvm_object rhs); `uvm_fatal("RegModel","RegModel registers cannot be copied") endfunction // do_compare function bit uvm_reg::do_compare (uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer); `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel registers cannot be compared") return 0; endfunction // do_pack function void uvm_reg::do_pack (uvm_packer packer); `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel registers cannot be packed") endfunction // do_unpack function void uvm_reg::do_unpack (uvm_packer packer); `uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel registers cannot be unpacked") endfunction