//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2010-2012 AMD // Copyright 2012 Accellera Systems Initiative // Copyright 2007-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2013-2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation // Copyright 2020 Marvell International Ltd. // Copyright 2007-2020 Mentor Graphics Corporation // Copyright 2013-2020 NVIDIA Corporation // Copyright 2014 Semifore // Copyright 2010-2017 Synopsys, Inc. // Copyright 2020 Verific // Copyright 2013 Verilab // All Rights Reserved Worldwide // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in // writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef uvm_config_db#(uvm_sequence_base) uvm_config_seq; typedef class uvm_sequence_request; // Utility class for tracking default_sequences class uvm_sequence_process_wrapper; process pid; uvm_sequence_base seq; endclass : uvm_sequence_process_wrapper //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CLASS: uvm_sequencer_base // // The library implements some public API beyond what is documented // in 1800.2. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto 15.3.1 virtual class uvm_sequencer_base extends uvm_component; typedef enum {SEQ_TYPE_REQ, SEQ_TYPE_LOCK} seq_req_t; // queue of sequences waiting for arbitration protected uvm_sequence_request arb_sequence_q[$]; protected bit arb_completed[int]; protected uvm_sequence_base lock_list[$]; protected uvm_sequence_base reg_sequences[int]; protected int m_sequencer_id; protected int m_lock_arb_size; // used for waiting processes protected int m_arb_size; // used for waiting processes protected int m_wait_for_item_sequence_id, m_wait_for_item_transaction_id; protected int m_wait_relevant_count = 0 ; protected int m_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count = 10; protected time m_last_wait_relevant_time = 0 ; local uvm_sequencer_arb_mode m_arbitration = UVM_SEQ_ARB_FIFO; local static int g_request_id; local static int g_sequence_id = 1; local static int g_sequencer_id = 1; protected int m_wait_for_sequences_count; // specifies the # of times the sequencer // should call wait_for_sequences(). A // value > 1 allows sequencer stacking. // Function -- NODOCS -- new // // Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal // constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the // instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function new (string name, uvm_component parent); // Variable: wait_for_sequences_count // Controls the number of wait_for_sequences calls when selecting next sequence. // // By default, the sequencers will wait for 1 ~wait_for_sequences~ call // when selecting a new sequence. When stacking sequencers, this will // cause a problem as the single call in a low level sequencer is absorbed // by the next call in the higher level sequencer(s). This problem can be avoided // by setting the value of "wait_for_sequences_count" to a value higher than // 1 for the lower level sequencer(s) using the config database, e.g.: // //| uvm_config_db#(int)::set(this, "path.to.sequencer", "wait_for_sequences_count", 4); // // Setting wait_for_sequences_count less than 1 will be ignored. // // Note: Each successively lower sequencer in a stack will require a higher wait_for_sequences_count // value in order to absorb all potential wait_for_sequences() counts in each higher level // of the stack. // // Note: Increasing this value will decrease the efficiency of the sequencer // in the event of a get/get_next_item/peek/try_next_item call when no items // are actually available. As such, care should be taken to avoid unnecessarily // increasing the value. // // @uvm-accellera The details of this API are specific to the Accellera implementation, and are not being considered for contribution to 1800.2 extern virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function bit is_child (uvm_sequence_base parent, uvm_sequence_base child); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function int user_priority_arbitration(int avail_sequences[$]); // Task -- NODOCS -- execute_item // // Executes the given transaction ~item~ directly on this sequencer. A temporary // parent sequence is automatically created for the ~item~. There is no capability to // retrieve responses. If the driver returns responses, they will accumulate in the // sequencer, eventually causing response overflow unless // is called. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task execute_item(uvm_sequence_item item); // Hidden array, keeps track of running default sequences protected uvm_sequence_process_wrapper m_default_sequences[uvm_phase]; // Function -- NODOCS -- start_phase_sequence // // Start the default sequence for this phase, if any. // The default sequence is configured via resources using // either a sequence instance or sequence type (object wrapper). // If both are used, // the sequence instance takes precedence. When attempting to override // a previous default sequence setting, you must override both // the instance and type (wrapper) resources, else your override may not // take effect. // // When setting the resource using ~set~, the 1st argument specifies the // context pointer, usually ~this~ for components or ~null~ when executed from // outside the component hierarchy (i.e. in module). // The 2nd argument is the instance string, which is a path name to the // target sequencer, relative to the context pointer. The path must include // the name of the phase with a "_phase" suffix. The 3rd argument is the // resource name, which is "default_sequence". The 4th argument is either // an object wrapper for the sequence type, or an instance of a sequence. // // Configuration by instances // allows pre-initialization, setting rand_mode, use of inline // constraints, etc. // //| myseq_t myseq = new("myseq"); //| myseq.randomize() with { ... }; //| uvm_config_db #(uvm_sequence_base)::set(null, "top.agent.myseqr.main_phase", //| "default_sequence", //| myseq); // // Configuration by type is shorter and can be substituted via // the factory. // //| uvm_config_db #(uvm_object_wrapper)::set(null, "top.agent.myseqr.main_phase", //| "default_sequence", //| myseq_type::type_id::get()); // // The uvm_resource_db can similarly be used. // //| myseq_t myseq = new("myseq"); //| myseq.randomize() with { ... }; //| uvm_resource_db #(uvm_sequence_base)::set({get_full_name(), ".myseqr.main_phase", //| "default_sequence", //| myseq, this); // //| uvm_resource_db #(uvm_object_wrapper)::set({get_full_name(), ".myseqr.main_phase", //| "default_sequence", //| myseq_t::type_id::get(), //| this ); // // extern virtual function void start_phase_sequence(uvm_phase phase); // Function -- NODOCS -- stop_phase_sequence // // Stop the default sequence for this phase, if any exists, and it // is still executing. extern virtual function void stop_phase_sequence(uvm_phase phase); // Task -- NODOCS -- wait_for_grant // // This task issues a request for the specified sequence. If item_priority // is not specified, then the current sequence priority will be used by the // arbiter. If a lock_request is made, then the sequencer will issue a lock // immediately before granting the sequence. (Note that the lock may be // granted without the sequence being granted if is_relevant is not asserted). // // When this method returns, the sequencer has granted the sequence, and the // sequence must call send_request without inserting any simulation delay // other than delta cycles. The driver is currently waiting for the next // item to be sent via the send_request call. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task wait_for_grant(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, int item_priority = -1, bit lock_request = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task wait_for_item_done(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, int transaction_id); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function bit is_blocked(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function bit has_lock(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task lock(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual task grab(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void unlock(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void ungrab(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void stop_sequences(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit is_grabbed(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_sequence_base current_grabber(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function bit has_do_available(); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function void set_arbitration(uvm_sequencer_arb_mode val); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern function uvm_sequencer_arb_mode get_arbitration(); // Task -- NODOCS -- wait_for_sequences // // Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. Uses // to give a sequence as much time as // possible to deliver an item before advancing time. extern virtual task wait_for_sequences(); // Function -- NODOCS -- send_request // // Derived classes implement this function to send a request item to the // sequencer, which will forward it to the driver. If the rerandomize bit // is set, the item will be randomized before being sent to the driver. // // This function may only be called after a call. // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void send_request(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, uvm_sequence_item t, bit rerandomize = 0); // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function void set_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count(int new_val) ; // Added in IEEE. Not in UVM 1.2 // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto extern virtual function uvm_sequence_base get_arbitration_sequence( int index ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERNAL METHODS - DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, ONLY OVERLOAD IF VIRTUAL //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern protected function void grant_queued_locks(); extern protected task m_select_sequence(); extern protected function int m_choose_next_request(); extern task m_wait_for_arbitration_completed(int request_id); extern function void m_set_arbitration_completed(int request_id); extern local task m_lock_req(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, bit lock); // Task- m_unlock_req // // Called by a sequence to request an unlock. This // will remove a lock for this sequence if it exists extern function void m_unlock_req(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); extern local function void remove_sequence_from_queues(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); extern function void m_sequence_exiting(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); extern function void kill_sequence(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); extern virtual function void analysis_write(uvm_sequence_item t); extern function void do_print (uvm_printer printer); extern virtual function int m_register_sequence(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); extern protected virtual function void m_unregister_sequence(int sequence_id); extern protected function uvm_sequence_base m_find_sequence(int sequence_id); extern protected function void m_update_lists(); extern function string convert2string(); extern protected virtual function int m_find_number_driver_connections(); extern protected task m_wait_arb_not_equal(); extern protected task m_wait_for_available_sequence(); extern protected function int m_get_seq_item_priority(uvm_sequence_request seq_q_entry); int m_is_relevant_completed; `ifdef UVM_DISABLE_RECORDING `define UVM_DISABLE_AUTO_ITEM_RECORDING `endif // Macro: UVM_DISABLE_AUTO_ITEM_RECORDING // Performs the same function as the 1800.2 define UVM_DISABLE_RECORDING, // globally turning off automatic item recording when defined by the user. // Provided for backward compatibility. // // @uvm-contrib This API is being considered for potential contribution to 1800.2 `ifdef UVM_DISABLE_AUTO_ITEM_RECORDING local bit m_auto_item_recording = 0; `else local bit m_auto_item_recording = 1; `endif // Access to following internal methods provided via seq_item_export // Function -- NODOCS -- disable_auto_item_recording // // Disables auto_item_recording // // This function is the implementation of the // uvm_sqr_if_base::disable_auto_item_recording() method detailed in // IEEE1800.2 section // // This function is implemented here to allow // and access to the call. // // @uvm-ieee 1800.2-2020 auto virtual function void disable_auto_item_recording(); m_auto_item_recording = 0; endfunction // Function -- NODOCS -- is_auto_item_recording_enabled // // Returns 1 is auto_item_recording is enabled, // otherwise 0 // // This function is the implementation of the // uvm_sqr_if_base::is_auto_item_recording_enabled() method detailed in // IEEE1800.2 section // // This function is implemented here to allow // and access to the call. // virtual function bit is_auto_item_recording_enabled(); return m_auto_item_recording; endfunction static uvm_sequencer_base all_sequencer_insts[int unsigned]; endclass //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IMPLEMENTATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // new // --- function uvm_sequencer_base::new (string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); m_sequencer_id = g_sequencer_id++; m_lock_arb_size = -1; all_sequencer_insts[m_sequencer_id]=this; m_wait_for_sequences_count = 1; // default endfunction // build_phase // ----------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); if (!uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t)::get(this, "", "wait_for_sequences_count", m_wait_for_sequences_count)) void'(uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this, "", "wait_for_sequences_count", m_wait_for_sequences_count)); if (m_wait_for_sequences_count < 1) begin `uvm_warning("UVM/SQR/WFSC", $sformatf("attempt to set wait_for_sequences_count to '%0d' will be ignored, values must be 1 or greater!", m_wait_for_sequences_count)) m_wait_for_sequences_count = 1; end endfunction : build_phase // do_print // -------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::do_print (uvm_printer printer); super.do_print(printer); printer.print_array_header("arbitration_queue", arb_sequence_q.size()); foreach (arb_sequence_q[i]) printer.print_string($sformatf("[%0d]", i), $sformatf("%s@seqid%0d",arb_sequence_q[i].request.name(),arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_id), "["); printer.print_array_footer(arb_sequence_q.size()); printer.print_array_header("lock_queue", lock_list.size()); foreach(lock_list[i]) printer.print_string($sformatf("[%0d]", i), $sformatf("%s@seqid%0d",lock_list[i].get_full_name(),lock_list[i].get_sequence_id()), "["); printer.print_array_footer(lock_list.size()); endfunction // m_update_lists // -------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::m_update_lists(); m_lock_arb_size++; endfunction // convert2string // ---------------- function string uvm_sequencer_base::convert2string(); string s; $sformat(s, " -- arb i/id/type: "); foreach (arb_sequence_q[i]) begin $sformat(s, "%s %0d/%0d/%s ", s, i, arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_id, arb_sequence_q[i].request.name()); end $sformat(s, "%s\n -- lock_list i/id: ", s); foreach (lock_list[i]) begin $sformat(s, "%s %0d/%0d",s, i, lock_list[i].get_sequence_id()); end return(s); endfunction // m_find_number_driver_connections // -------------------------------- function int uvm_sequencer_base::m_find_number_driver_connections(); return 0; endfunction // m_register_sequence // ------------------- function int uvm_sequencer_base::m_register_sequence(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); if (sequence_ptr.m_get_sqr_sequence_id(m_sequencer_id, 1) > 0) return sequence_ptr.get_sequence_id(); sequence_ptr.m_set_sqr_sequence_id(m_sequencer_id, g_sequence_id++); reg_sequences[sequence_ptr.get_sequence_id()] = sequence_ptr; return sequence_ptr.get_sequence_id(); endfunction // m_find_sequence // --------------- function uvm_sequence_base uvm_sequencer_base::m_find_sequence(int sequence_id); uvm_sequence_base seq_ptr; int i; // When sequence_id is -1, return the first available sequence. This is used // when deleting all sequences if (sequence_id == -1) begin if (reg_sequences.first(i)) begin return(reg_sequences[i]); end return(null); end if (!reg_sequences.exists(sequence_id)) return null; return reg_sequences[sequence_id]; endfunction // m_unregister_sequence // --------------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::m_unregister_sequence(int sequence_id); if (!reg_sequences.exists(sequence_id)) return; reg_sequences.delete(sequence_id); endfunction // user_priority_arbitration // ------------------------- function int uvm_sequencer_base::user_priority_arbitration(int avail_sequences[$]); return avail_sequences[0]; endfunction // grant_queued_locks // ------------------ // Any lock or grab requests that are at the front of the queue will be // granted at the earliest possible time. This function grants any queues // at the front that are not locked out function void uvm_sequencer_base::grant_queued_locks(); // remove and report any zombies begin uvm_sequence_request zombies[$]; zombies = arb_sequence_q.find(item) with (item.request==SEQ_TYPE_LOCK && item.process_id.status inside {process::KILLED,process::FINISHED}); foreach(zombies[idx]) begin `uvm_error("SEQLCKZMB", $sformatf("The task responsible for requesting a lock on sequencer '%s' for sequence '%s' has been killed, to avoid a deadlock the sequence will be removed from the arbitration queues", this.get_full_name(), zombies[idx].sequence_ptr.get_full_name())) remove_sequence_from_queues(zombies[idx].sequence_ptr); end end // grant the first lock request that is not blocked, if any begin int lock_req_indices[$]; lock_req_indices = arb_sequence_q.find_first_index(item) with (item.request==SEQ_TYPE_LOCK && is_blocked(item.sequence_ptr) == 0); if(lock_req_indices.size()) begin uvm_sequence_request lock_req = arb_sequence_q[lock_req_indices[0]]; lock_list.push_back(lock_req.sequence_ptr); m_set_arbitration_completed(lock_req.request_id); arb_sequence_q.delete(lock_req_indices[0]); m_update_lists(); end end endfunction // m_select_sequence // ----------------- task uvm_sequencer_base::m_select_sequence(); int selected_sequence; // Select a sequence do begin repeat(m_wait_for_sequences_count) begin wait_for_sequences(); selected_sequence = m_choose_next_request(); if (selected_sequence != -1) break; end if (selected_sequence == -1) begin m_wait_for_available_sequence(); end end while (selected_sequence == -1); // issue grant if (selected_sequence >= 0) begin m_set_arbitration_completed(arb_sequence_q[selected_sequence].request_id); arb_sequence_q.delete(selected_sequence); m_update_lists(); end endtask // m_choose_next_request // --------------------- // When a driver requests an operation, this function must find the next // available, unlocked, relevant sequence. // // This function returns -1 if no sequences are available or the entry into // arb_sequence_q for the chosen sequence function int uvm_sequencer_base::m_choose_next_request(); int i, temp; int avail_sequence_count; int sum_priority_val; int avail_sequences[$]; int highest_sequences[$]; int highest_pri; string s; avail_sequence_count = 0; grant_queued_locks(); i = 0; while (i < arb_sequence_q.size()) begin if ((arb_sequence_q[i].process_id.status == process::KILLED) || (arb_sequence_q[i].process_id.status == process::FINISHED)) begin `uvm_error("SEQREQZMB", $sformatf("The task responsible for requesting a wait_for_grant on sequencer '%s' for sequence '%s' has been killed, to avoid a deadlock the sequence will be removed from the arbitration queues", this.get_full_name(), arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr.get_full_name())) remove_sequence_from_queues(arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr); continue; end if (i < arb_sequence_q.size()) if (arb_sequence_q[i].request == SEQ_TYPE_REQ) if (is_blocked(arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr) == 0) if (arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr.is_relevant() == 1) begin if (m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_FIFO) begin return i; end else avail_sequences.push_back(i); end i++; end // Return immediately if there are 0 or 1 available sequences if (m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_FIFO) begin return -1; end if (avail_sequences.size() < 1) begin return -1; end if (avail_sequences.size() == 1) begin return avail_sequences[0]; end // If any locks are in place, then the available queue must // be checked to see if a lock prevents any sequence from proceeding if (lock_list.size() > 0) begin for (i = 0; i < avail_sequences.size(); i++) begin if (is_blocked(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]].sequence_ptr) != 0) begin avail_sequences.delete(i); i--; end end if (avail_sequences.size() < 1) return -1; if (avail_sequences.size() == 1) return avail_sequences[0]; end // Weighted Priority Distribution // Pick an available sequence based on weighted priorities of available sequences if (m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_WEIGHTED) begin sum_priority_val = 0; for (i = 0; i < avail_sequences.size(); i++) begin sum_priority_val += m_get_seq_item_priority(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]]); end temp = $urandom_range(sum_priority_val-1, 0); sum_priority_val = 0; for (i = 0; i < avail_sequences.size(); i++) begin if ((m_get_seq_item_priority(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]]) + sum_priority_val) > temp) begin return avail_sequences[i]; end sum_priority_val += m_get_seq_item_priority(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]]); end uvm_report_fatal("Sequencer", "UVM Internal error in weighted arbitration code", UVM_NONE); end // Random Distribution if (m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_RANDOM) begin i = $urandom_range(avail_sequences.size()-1, 0); return avail_sequences[i]; end // Strict Fifo if ((m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_STRICT_FIFO) || m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_STRICT_RANDOM) begin highest_pri = 0; // Build a list of sequences at the highest priority for (i = 0; i < avail_sequences.size(); i++) begin if (m_get_seq_item_priority(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]]) > highest_pri) begin // New highest priority, so start new list highest_sequences.delete(); highest_sequences.push_back(avail_sequences[i]); highest_pri = m_get_seq_item_priority(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]]); end else if (m_get_seq_item_priority(arb_sequence_q[avail_sequences[i]]) == highest_pri) begin highest_sequences.push_back(avail_sequences[i]); end end // Now choose one based on arbitration type if (m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_STRICT_FIFO) begin return(highest_sequences[0]); end i = $urandom_range(highest_sequences.size()-1, 0); return highest_sequences[i]; end if (m_arbitration == UVM_SEQ_ARB_USER) begin i = user_priority_arbitration( avail_sequences); // Check that the returned sequence is in the list of available sequences. Failure to // use an available sequence will cause highly unpredictable results. highest_sequences = avail_sequences.find with (item == i); if (highest_sequences.size() == 0) begin uvm_report_fatal("Sequencer", $sformatf("Error in User arbitration, sequence %0d not available\n%s", i, convert2string()), UVM_NONE); end return(i); end uvm_report_fatal("Sequencer", "Internal error: Failed to choose sequence", UVM_NONE); endfunction // m_wait_arb_not_equal // -------------------- task uvm_sequencer_base::m_wait_arb_not_equal(); wait (m_arb_size != m_lock_arb_size); endtask // m_wait_for_available_sequence // ----------------------------- task uvm_sequencer_base::m_wait_for_available_sequence(); int i; int is_relevant_entries[$]; // This routine will wait for a change in the request list, or for // wait_for_relevant to return on any non-relevant, non-blocked sequence m_arb_size = m_lock_arb_size; for (i = 0; i < arb_sequence_q.size(); i++) begin if (arb_sequence_q[i].request == SEQ_TYPE_REQ) begin if (is_blocked(arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr) == 0) begin if (arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr.is_relevant() == 0) begin is_relevant_entries.push_back(i); end end end end // Typical path - don't need fork if all queued entries are relevant if (is_relevant_entries.size() == 0) begin m_wait_arb_not_equal(); return; end fork // isolate inner fork block for disabling begin fork begin fork begin // One path in fork is for any wait_for_relevant to return m_is_relevant_completed = 0; for(i = 0; i < is_relevant_entries.size(); i++) begin fork automatic int k = i; begin arb_sequence_q[is_relevant_entries[k]].sequence_ptr.wait_for_relevant(); if ($realtime != m_last_wait_relevant_time) begin m_last_wait_relevant_time = $realtime ; m_wait_relevant_count = 0 ; end else begin m_wait_relevant_count++ ; if (m_wait_relevant_count > m_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count) begin `uvm_fatal("SEQRELEVANTLOOP",$sformatf("Zero time loop detected, passed wait_for_relevant %0d times without time advancing",m_wait_relevant_count)) end end m_is_relevant_completed = 1; end join_none end wait (m_is_relevant_completed > 0); end // The other path in the fork is for any queue entry to change begin m_wait_arb_not_equal(); end join_any end join_any disable fork; end join endtask // m_get_seq_item_priority // ----------------------- function int uvm_sequencer_base::m_get_seq_item_priority(uvm_sequence_request seq_q_entry); // If the priority was set on the item, then that is used if (seq_q_entry.item_priority != -1) begin if (seq_q_entry.item_priority <= 0) begin uvm_report_fatal("SEQITEMPRI", $sformatf("Sequence item from %s has illegal priority: %0d", seq_q_entry.sequence_ptr.get_full_name(), seq_q_entry.item_priority), UVM_NONE); end return seq_q_entry.item_priority; end // Otherwise, use the priority of the calling sequence if (seq_q_entry.sequence_ptr.get_priority() < 0) begin uvm_report_fatal("SEQDEFPRI", $sformatf("Sequence %s has illegal priority: %0d", seq_q_entry.sequence_ptr.get_full_name(), seq_q_entry.sequence_ptr.get_priority()), UVM_NONE); end return seq_q_entry.sequence_ptr.get_priority(); endfunction // m_wait_for_arbitration_completed // -------------------------------- task uvm_sequencer_base::m_wait_for_arbitration_completed(int request_id); int lock_arb_size; // Search the list of arb_wait_q, see if this item is done forever begin lock_arb_size = m_lock_arb_size; if (arb_completed.exists(request_id)) begin arb_completed.delete(request_id); return; end wait (lock_arb_size != m_lock_arb_size); end endtask // m_set_arbitration_completed // --------------------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::m_set_arbitration_completed(int request_id); arb_completed[request_id] = 1; endfunction // is_child // -------- function bit uvm_sequencer_base::is_child (uvm_sequence_base parent, uvm_sequence_base child); uvm_sequence_base child_parent; if (child == null) begin uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequencer", "is_child passed null child", UVM_NONE); end if (parent == null) begin uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequencer", "is_child passed null parent", UVM_NONE); end child_parent = child.get_parent_sequence(); while (child_parent != null) begin if (child_parent.get_inst_id() == parent.get_inst_id()) begin return 1; end child_parent = child_parent.get_parent_sequence(); end return 0; endfunction // execute_item // ------------ // Implementation artifact, extends virtual class uvm_sequence_base // so that it can be constructed for execute_item class m_uvm_sqr_seq_base extends uvm_sequence_base; function new(string name="unnamed-m_uvm_sqr_seq_base"); super.new(name); endfunction : new endclass : m_uvm_sqr_seq_base task uvm_sequencer_base::execute_item(uvm_sequence_item item); m_uvm_sqr_seq_base seq; seq = new("execute_item_seq"); item.set_sequencer(this); item.set_parent_sequence(seq); seq.set_sequencer(this); seq.start_item(item); seq.finish_item(item); remove_sequence_from_queues(seq); endtask // wait_for_grant // -------------- task uvm_sequencer_base::wait_for_grant(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, int item_priority = -1, bit lock_request = 0); uvm_sequence_request req_s; int my_seq_id; if (sequence_ptr == null) uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequencer", "wait_for_grant passed null sequence_ptr", UVM_NONE); my_seq_id = m_register_sequence(sequence_ptr); // If lock_request is asserted, then issue a lock. Don't wait for the response, since // there is a request immediately following the lock request if (lock_request == 1) begin req_s = new(); req_s.grant = 0; req_s.sequence_id = my_seq_id; req_s.request = SEQ_TYPE_LOCK; req_s.sequence_ptr = sequence_ptr; req_s.request_id = g_request_id++; req_s.process_id = process::self(); arb_sequence_q.push_back(req_s); end // Push the request onto the queue req_s = new(); req_s.grant = 0; req_s.request = SEQ_TYPE_REQ; req_s.sequence_id = my_seq_id; req_s.item_priority = item_priority; req_s.sequence_ptr = sequence_ptr; req_s.request_id = g_request_id++; req_s.process_id = process::self(); arb_sequence_q.push_back(req_s); m_update_lists(); // Wait until this entry is granted // Continue to point to the element, since location in queue will change m_wait_for_arbitration_completed(req_s.request_id); // The wait_for_grant_semaphore is used only to check that send_request // is only called after wait_for_grant. This is not a complete check, since // requests might be done in parallel, but it will catch basic errors req_s.sequence_ptr.m_wait_for_grant_semaphore++; endtask // wait_for_item_done // ------------------ task uvm_sequencer_base::wait_for_item_done(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, int transaction_id); int sequence_id; sequence_id = sequence_ptr.m_get_sqr_sequence_id(m_sequencer_id, 1); m_wait_for_item_sequence_id = -1; m_wait_for_item_transaction_id = -1; if (transaction_id == -1) wait (m_wait_for_item_sequence_id == sequence_id); else wait ((m_wait_for_item_sequence_id == sequence_id && m_wait_for_item_transaction_id == transaction_id)); endtask // is_blocked // ---------- function bit uvm_sequencer_base::is_blocked(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); if (sequence_ptr == null) uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequence_controller", "is_blocked passed null sequence_ptr", UVM_NONE); foreach (lock_list[i]) begin if ((lock_list[i].get_inst_id() != sequence_ptr.get_inst_id()) && (is_child(lock_list[i], sequence_ptr) == 0)) begin return 1; end end return 0; endfunction // has_lock // -------- function bit uvm_sequencer_base::has_lock(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); int my_seq_id; if (sequence_ptr == null) uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequence_controller", "has_lock passed null sequence_ptr", UVM_NONE); my_seq_id = m_register_sequence(sequence_ptr); foreach (lock_list[i]) begin if (lock_list[i].get_inst_id() == sequence_ptr.get_inst_id()) begin return 1; end end return 0; endfunction // m_lock_req // ---------- // Internal method. Called by a sequence to request a lock. // Puts the lock request onto the arbitration queue. task uvm_sequencer_base::m_lock_req(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, bit lock); int my_seq_id; uvm_sequence_request new_req; if (sequence_ptr == null) uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequence_controller", "lock_req passed null sequence_ptr", UVM_NONE); my_seq_id = m_register_sequence(sequence_ptr); new_req = new(); new_req.grant = 0; new_req.sequence_id = sequence_ptr.get_sequence_id(); new_req.request = SEQ_TYPE_LOCK; new_req.sequence_ptr = sequence_ptr; new_req.request_id = g_request_id++; new_req.process_id = process::self(); if (lock == 1) begin // Locks are arbitrated just like all other requests arb_sequence_q.push_back(new_req); end else begin // Grabs are not arbitrated - they go to the front // TODO: // Missing: grabs get arbitrated behind other grabs arb_sequence_q.push_front(new_req); m_update_lists(); end // If this lock can be granted immediately, then do so. grant_queued_locks(); m_wait_for_arbitration_completed(new_req.request_id); endtask // m_unlock_req // ------------ // Called by a sequence to request an unlock. This // will remove a lock for this sequence if it exists function void uvm_sequencer_base::m_unlock_req(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); if (sequence_ptr == null) begin uvm_report_fatal("uvm_sequencer", "m_unlock_req passed null sequence_ptr", UVM_NONE); end begin int q[$]; int seqid=sequence_ptr.get_inst_id(); q=lock_list.find_first_index(item) with (item.get_inst_id() == seqid); if(q.size()==1) begin lock_list.delete(q[0]); grant_queued_locks(); // grant lock requests m_update_lists(); end else uvm_report_warning("SQRUNL", {"Sequence '", sequence_ptr.get_full_name(), "' called ungrab / unlock, but didn't have lock"}, UVM_NONE); end endfunction // lock // ---- task uvm_sequencer_base::lock(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); m_lock_req(sequence_ptr, 1); endtask // grab // ---- task uvm_sequencer_base::grab(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); m_lock_req(sequence_ptr, 0); endtask // unlock // ------ function void uvm_sequencer_base::unlock(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); m_unlock_req(sequence_ptr); endfunction // ungrab // ------ function void uvm_sequencer_base::ungrab(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); m_unlock_req(sequence_ptr); endfunction // remove_sequence_from_queues // --------------------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::remove_sequence_from_queues( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); int i; int seq_id; seq_id = sequence_ptr.m_get_sqr_sequence_id(m_sequencer_id, 0); // Remove all queued items for this sequence and any child sequences i = 0; do begin if (arb_sequence_q.size() > i) begin if ((arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_id == seq_id) || (is_child(sequence_ptr, arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr))) begin if (sequence_ptr.get_sequence_state() == UVM_FINISHED) `uvm_error("SEQFINERR", $sformatf("Parent sequence '%s' should not finish before all items from itself and items from descendent sequences are processed. The item request from the sequence '%s' is being removed.", sequence_ptr.get_full_name(), arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr.get_full_name())) arb_sequence_q.delete(i); m_update_lists(); end else begin i++; end end end while (i < arb_sequence_q.size()); // remove locks for this sequence, and any child sequences i = 0; do begin if (lock_list.size() > i) begin if ((lock_list[i].get_inst_id() == sequence_ptr.get_inst_id()) || (is_child(sequence_ptr, lock_list[i]))) begin if (sequence_ptr.get_sequence_state() == UVM_FINISHED) `uvm_error("SEQFINERR", $sformatf("Parent sequence '%s' should not finish before locks from itself and descedent sequences are removed. The lock held by the child sequence '%s' is being removed.",sequence_ptr.get_full_name(), lock_list[i].get_full_name())) lock_list.delete(i); m_update_lists(); end else begin i++; end end end while (i < lock_list.size()); // Unregister the sequence_id, so that any returning data is dropped m_unregister_sequence(sequence_ptr.m_get_sqr_sequence_id(m_sequencer_id, 1)); endfunction // stop_sequences // -------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::stop_sequences(); uvm_sequence_base seq_ptr; seq_ptr = m_find_sequence(-1); while (seq_ptr != null) begin kill_sequence(seq_ptr); seq_ptr = m_find_sequence(-1); end endfunction // m_sequence_exiting // ------------------ function void uvm_sequencer_base::m_sequence_exiting(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); remove_sequence_from_queues(sequence_ptr); endfunction // kill_sequence // ------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::kill_sequence(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr); remove_sequence_from_queues(sequence_ptr); sequence_ptr.m_kill(); endfunction // is_grabbed // ---------- function bit uvm_sequencer_base::is_grabbed(); return (lock_list.size() != 0); endfunction // current_grabber // --------------- function uvm_sequence_base uvm_sequencer_base::current_grabber(); if (lock_list.size() == 0) begin return null; end return lock_list[lock_list.size()-1]; endfunction // has_do_available // ---------------- function bit uvm_sequencer_base::has_do_available(); foreach (arb_sequence_q[i]) begin if ((arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr.is_relevant() == 1) && (is_blocked(arb_sequence_q[i].sequence_ptr) == 0)) begin return 1; end end return 0; endfunction // set_arbitration // --------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::set_arbitration(uvm_sequencer_arb_mode val); m_arbitration = val; endfunction // get_arbitration // --------------- function uvm_sequencer_arb_mode uvm_sequencer_base::get_arbitration(); return m_arbitration; endfunction // get_arbitration_sequence // --------------- function uvm_sequence_base uvm_sequencer_base::get_arbitration_sequence( int index); return arb_sequence_q[index].sequence_ptr; endfunction // analysis_write // -------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::analysis_write(uvm_sequence_item t); return; endfunction // wait_for_sequences // ------------------ task uvm_sequencer_base::wait_for_sequences(); uvm_wait_for_nba_region(); endtask // send_request // ------------ function void uvm_sequencer_base::send_request(uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, uvm_sequence_item t, bit rerandomize = 0); return; endfunction // set_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count // ------------ function void uvm_sequencer_base::set_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count(int new_val) ; m_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count = new_val ; endfunction // start_phase_sequence // -------------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::start_phase_sequence(uvm_phase phase); uvm_resource_pool rp = uvm_resource_pool::get(); uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq; uvm_sequence_base seq; uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); uvm_factory f = cs.get_factory(); // Has a default sequence been specified? rq = rp.lookup_name({get_full_name(), ".", phase.get_name(), "_phase"}, "default_sequence", null, 0); uvm_resource_pool::sort_by_precedence(rq); // Look for the first one if the appropriate type for (int i = 0; seq == null && i < rq.size(); i++) begin uvm_resource_base rsrc = rq.get(i); uvm_resource#(uvm_sequence_base) sbr; uvm_resource#(uvm_object_wrapper) owr; // uvm_config_db#(uvm_sequence_base)? // Priority is given to uvm_sequence_base because it is a specific sequence instance // and thus more specific than one that is dynamically created via the // factory and the object wrapper. if ($cast(sbr, rsrc) && sbr != null) begin seq = sbr.read(this); if (seq == null) begin `uvm_info("UVM/SQR/PH/DEF/SB/NULL", {"Default phase sequence for phase '", phase.get_name(),"' explicitly disabled"}, UVM_FULL) return; end end // uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper)? else if ($cast(owr, rsrc) && owr != null) begin uvm_object_wrapper wrapper; wrapper = owr.read(this); if (wrapper == null) begin `uvm_info("UVM/SQR/PH/DEF/OW/NULL", {"Default phase sequence for phase '", phase.get_name(),"' explicitly disabled"}, UVM_FULL) return; end if (!$cast(seq, f.create_object_by_type(wrapper, get_full_name(), wrapper.get_type_name())) || seq == null) begin `uvm_warning("PHASESEQ", {"Default sequence for phase '", phase.get_name(),"' %s is not a sequence type"}) return; end end end if (seq == null) begin `uvm_info("PHASESEQ", {"No default phase sequence for phase '", phase.get_name(),"'"}, UVM_FULL) return; end `uvm_info("PHASESEQ", {"Starting default sequence '", seq.get_type_name(),"' for phase '", phase.get_name(),"'"}, UVM_FULL) seq.print_sequence_info = 1; seq.set_sequencer(this); seq.reseed(); seq.set_starting_phase(phase); if (seq.get_randomize_enabled() && !seq.randomize()) begin `uvm_warning("STRDEFSEQ", {"Randomization failed for default sequence '", seq.get_type_name(),"' for phase '", phase.get_name(),"'"}) return; end fork begin uvm_sequence_process_wrapper w = new(); // reseed this process for random stability w.pid = process::self(); w.seq = seq; w.pid.srandom(uvm_create_random_seed(seq.get_type_name(), this.get_full_name())); m_default_sequences[phase] = w; // this will either complete naturally, or be killed later seq.start(this); m_default_sequences.delete(phase); end join_none endfunction // stop_phase_sequence // -------------------- function void uvm_sequencer_base::stop_phase_sequence(uvm_phase phase); if (m_default_sequences.exists(phase)) begin `uvm_info("PHASESEQ", {"Killing default sequence '", m_default_sequences[phase].seq.get_type_name(), "' for phase '", phase.get_name(), "'"}, UVM_FULL) m_default_sequences[phase].seq.kill(); end else begin `uvm_info("PHASESEQ", {"No default sequence to kill for phase '", phase.get_name(), "'"}, UVM_FULL) end endfunction : stop_phase_sequence //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class- uvm_sequence_request // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class uvm_sequence_request; bit grant; int sequence_id; int request_id; int item_priority; process process_id; uvm_sequencer_base::seq_req_t request; uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr; endclass