Class Index
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Implementation of uvm_abstract_component_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section of 1800.2-2020.
Implementation of uvm_abstract_object_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section of 1800.2-2020.
Implementation of uvm_callbacks#(T,CB) class, as defined in section
The library implements the following public API beyond what is documented in 1800.2.
Implementation of uvm_component_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section of 1800.2-2020.
class uvm_config_db_options
This class contains static functions for manipulating and retrieving options that control the behavior of the configuration DB facility.
Implementation of the uvm_copier class, as defined in section 16.6 of 1800.2-2020
The library implements the following public API in addition to what is documented in IEEE 1800.2.
Implementation of the uvm_default_coreservice_t as defined in section F.4.2.1 of 1800.2-2020.
Default implementation of the UVM factory.
Default implementation of the UVM report server, as defined in section 6.5.2 of 1800.2-2020
This is an implementation of uvm_event#(T) as described in 1800.2 with the addition of API described below.
The line printer prints output in a line format.
Implementation of uvm_object_registry#(T,Tname), as defined by section of 1800.2-2020.
Implementation of uvm_packer, as defined in section 16.5.1 of 1800.2-2020
The library implements the following public API beyond what is documented in 1800.2.
class uvm_port_component #(
    type  PORT  =  uvm_object
) extends uvm_port_component_base
This implementation of uvm_port_component class from IEEE 1800.2 declares all the API described in the LRM, plus it inherits from uvm_port_component_base for the purpose of providing the get_connected_to() method.
virtual class uvm_port_component_base extends uvm_component
This class defines an interface for obtaining a port’s connectivity lists after or during the end_of_elaboration phase.
typedef uvm_port_component_base uvm_port_list[string]
Associative array of uvm_port_component_base class handles, indexed by string
This is an implementation of uvm_reg as described in 1800.2 with the addition of API described below.
This is an implementation of uvm_reg_field as described in 1800.2 with the addition of API described below.
Implementation of uvm_resource#(T) as defined in section C.2.5.1 of 1800.2-2020.
The library implements the following public API beyond what is documented in 1800.2.
Implementation of uvm_resource_db, as defined in section C.3.2.1 of 1800.2-2020.
class uvm_resource_db_options
This class contains static functions for manipulating and retrieving options that control the behavior of the resources DB facility.
class uvm_root extends uvm_component
The library implements some public API beyond what is documented in 1800.2.
The table printer prints output in a tabular format.
class uvm_text_recorder extends uvm_recorder
The uvm_text_recorder is the default recorder implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database.
class uvm_text_tr_database extends uvm_tr_database
The uvm_text_tr_database is the default implementation for the uvm_tr_database.
class uvm_text_tr_stream extends uvm_tr_stream
The uvm_text_tr_stream is the default stream implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database.
Implementation of uvm_tlm_generic_payload, as described in section of 1800.2-2020.
By overriding various methods of the uvm_printer super class, the tree printer prints output in a tree format.